SFF++ library: reading and writing SFF from C++
sff Namespace Reference

all SFF modules More...




struct  DAST
class  FileHeader
 SFF file header elements. More...
struct  FREE
struct  INFO
class  InputWaveform
class  OutputWaveform
class  SFFostream
class  SkipWaveform
struct  SRCE
struct  STAT
class  Terror
class  TraceHeader
 SFF trace header elements. More...
class  WaveformNormalizer
 class to normalize waveforms More...
struct  WID2
 Waveform Header. More...
class  WID2compare
 compares selected fields from two WID2 objects More...


enum  Ecoosys { CS_cartesian, CS_spherical }
 valid coordinate systems More...
enum  Enormmode { NM_one, NM_maxdyn, NM_ifneeded }
enum  Ewid2field {
  Fdate =1<<0, Fstation =1<<1, Fchannel =1<<2, Fauxid =1<<3,
  Fnsamples =1<<4, Fdt =1<<5, Fcalib =1<<6, Fcalper =1<<7,
  Finstype =1<<8, Fhang =1<<9, Fvang =1<<10
 bit values to select WID2 fields to be compared More...


double offset (const SRCE &srce, const INFO &info, const double &radius)
 return offset in meters More...
double sourcedistance (const SRCE &srce, const INFO &info)
 return spatial distance between source and receiver in meters More...
double offsetdeg (const SRCE &srce, const INFO &info, const double &radius)
 return offset in degrees More...
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const typename C::Tcoc &c)
 FIRST(!) operator to be called for each trace. More...
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const WID2 &wid2)
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const INFO &info)
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const FREE &free)
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const SRCE &srce)
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const FileHeader &fh)
template<class C >
SFFostream< C > & operator<< (SFFostream< C > &os, const TraceHeader &th)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const WID2 &wid2)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const SRCE &srce)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const DAST &dast)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const INFO &info)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const FREE &free)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const STAT &stat)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const FileHeader &fh)
void verbose (std::ostream &os, const TraceHeader &th)
char coosysID (const Ecoosys &csid)
Ecoosys coosysID (const char &csid)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, FileHeader &fh)
template<class C >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, InputWaveform< C > &wf)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, SkipWaveform &swf)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FileHeader &fh)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TraceHeader &th)
template<class C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OutputWaveform< C > &wf)
libtime::TAbsoluteTime wid2lastsample (const WID2 &wid2)
 return time of last sample in waveform More...
libtime::TAbsoluteTime wid2nextdate (const WID2 &wid2)
 return time of next first sample for contiguous data More...
long int wid2isample (const WID2 &wid2, const libtime::TAbsoluteTime &idate)
 return index for sample at given date More...
libtime::TAbsoluteTime wid2isample (const WID2 &wid2, const long int &i)
 return time for sample at given index More...
libtime::TRelativeTime wid2isamplerest (const WID2 &wid2, const libtime::TAbsoluteTime &idate)
 return time interval between idate and sample sample next to idate More...
std::string srce_reference_ID ()
 return ID string for synthtic time reference More...
sff::SRCE srce_reference ()
 return synthetic time reference from nothing More...
std::string WIDXline (const sff::WID2 &wid2, const bool &debug=false)
 write WID2 information in extended format More...
sff::WID2 WIDXline (const std::string &line)
 read WID2 information with extended format More...


const char *const WIDXID = "WIDX"
 ID for extended WID2 format. More...

Detailed Description

all SFF modules