187 os <<
"contents of SFF INFO line:" << std::endl;
188 os <<
" coordinate system (cs): ";
200 os <<
" X-coordinate (c1):" 201 << format(19,8) << info.cx <<
" m" << std::endl;;
202 os <<
" Y-coordinate (c2):" 203 << format(19,8) << info.cy <<
" m" << std::endl;;
204 os <<
" Z-coordinate (c3):" 205 << format(19,8) << info.cz <<
" m" << std::endl;;
209 os <<
" latitude (c1): " 210 << format(19,8) << info.cx <<
" deg" << std::endl;;
211 os <<
" longitude (c2):" 212 << format(19,8) << info.cy <<
" deg" << std::endl;;
213 os <<
" height (c3): " 214 << format(19,8) << info.cz <<
" m" << std::endl;;
217 os <<
" number of stacks (nstacks):" 218 << format(8,5) << info.nstacks << std::endl;