SFF++ library: reading and writing SFF from C++
sff::INFO Struct Reference

#include <sffxx.h>

Public Member Functions

 INFO ()
 INFO (std::istream &is)
std::string line () const
void read (std::istream &is)
bool operator== (const INFO &info) const

Public Attributes

Ecoosys cs
double cx
double cy
double cz
int nstacks

Static Public Attributes

static const char *const LINEID ="INFO"

Detailed Description

This line provides receiver specific parameters.

definition of INFO line:

c     position   format   contents
c     1-5        a5       INFO  (identifier)
c     6          a1       type of coordinate system:
c                             C: cartesian    S: spherical
c     8-22       f15.6    c1   x               latitude
c     23-37      f15.6    c2   y               longitude
c     38-52      f15.6    c3   z               height
c                         see below for comments on coordinate specification
c     54-57      i4       number of stacks done during acquisition
c                         (a value of zero and a value of one both mean
c                         a single shot)
 \sa \ref subsec_definition_info_line

 See SRCE line for coordinate spcifications.

Definition at line 193 of file sffxx.h.

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