SFF++ library: reading and writing SFF from C++
sff::WID2 Struct Reference

Waveform Header. More...

#include <sffxx.h>

Public Member Functions

 WID2 ()
 WID2 (std::istream &is)
std::string line () const
void read (std::istream &is)

Public Attributes

libtime::TAbsoluteTime date
 time of first sample More...
std::string station
 Station code. More...
std::string channel
 FDSN channel code. More...
std::string auxid
 Auxiliary identification code. More...
int nsamples
 number of samples More...
double dt
 sampling interval (sec) More...
double calib
 calibration factor More...
double calper
 calibration reference period More...
std::string instype
 instrument type More...
double hang
 horizontal orientation More...
double vang
 veritcal orientation More...

Detailed Description

Waveform Header.

This waveform identification line is defined in the GSE2.0 standard.

definition of WID2 line:

c     position   name     format           contents
c     1-4        id       a4               WID2 (identifier)
c     6-15       date     i4,a1,i2,a1,i2   date of first sample: yyyy/mm/dd
c     17-28      time     i2,a1,i2,a1,f6.3 time of first sample: hh:mm:ss.sss
c     30-34      station  a5               for a valid GSE2.0 block use
c                                          ISC station code
c     36-38      channel  a3               for a valid GSE2.0 block use
c                                          FDSN channel designator
c     40-43      auxid    a4               auxiliary identification code
c     45-47      datatype a3               must be CM6 in SFF
c     49-56      samps    i8               number of samples
c     58-68      samprat  f11.6            data sampling rate in Hz
c     70-79      calib    e10.2            calibration factor
c     81-87      calper   f7.3             calibration period where calib
c                                          is valid
c     89-94      instype  a6               instrument type (as defined
c                                          in GSE2.0
c     96-100     hang     f5.1             horizontal orientation of
c                                          sensor, measured in degrees
c                                          clockwise from North 
c                                          (-1.0 if vertical)
c     102-105    vang     f4.1             vertical orientation of sensor,
c                                          measured in degrees from vertical
c                                          (90.0 if horizontal)
 \sa \ref subsec_definition_wid2_line

 Reading and writing is accomplished through the GSE++ library functions.

Definition at line 209 of file sffxx.h.

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