DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
datrw::mseed::SEED Namespace Reference




struct  ActivityFlags
struct  BlocketteHeader
struct  BTIME
struct  ControlHeader
struct  DataExtensionBlockette
struct  DataOnlySEEDBlockette
struct  DataRecordBlocketteHeader
struct  FixedDataRecordHeader
struct  IOFlags
struct  QualityFlags
class  Steim1Frame
union  Steim1Word
class  Steim2Frame
class  Steim2Word
class  SteimFrame
struct  TelemetryVolumeIdentifierBlockette


enum  EByteOrder { vax8086 =0, sparc68000 =1 }
enum  EEncodingFormat {
  ascii =0, int16 =1, int24 =2, int32 =3,
  ieeefp =4, ieeedp =5, steim1 =10, steim2 =11,
  geoscope24 =12, geoscope163 =13, geoscope164 =14, us =15,
  cdsn =16, grf =17, ipg =18, steim3 =19,
  sro =30, hglp =31, dwwssn =32, rstn =33


template<class C1 , class C2 >
void copy_from_pointer (C1 *target, const C2 *p)
void dump (const ControlHeader &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const BlocketteHeader &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const BTIME &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const DataExtensionBlockette &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const DataOnlySEEDBlockette &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const DataRecordBlocketteHeader &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const FixedDataRecordHeader &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const datrw::mseed::SEED::ActivityFlags &f, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const datrw::mseed::SEED::QualityFlags &f, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const datrw::mseed::SEED::IOFlags &f, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const EEncodingFormat &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (const EByteOrder &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump (Steim1Frame f, std::ostream &os)
void dump (Steim2Frame f, std::ostream &os)
void dump (SteimFrame &f, std::ostream &os)
void dump_aflags (const unsigned char &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump_ioflags (const unsigned char &s, std::ostream &os)
void dump_qflags (const unsigned char &s, std::ostream &os)

Detailed Description

SEED data structures

The definitions for data structures are based an the

Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data
Refernce Manual
SEED Format Version 2.3
February, 1993
All references initially refer to this manual.

With SEED V2.4 some of the definitions have changed. Where changes are applied, they are documented in the comments in the source code.

The structure of a data record is given in Fig. 8 in chapter 2.

A useful command to investigate binary data files is

od -A x -t x1z filename

This dumps hex values at hex addresses and adds printable characters to the end of each line.

This namespace should contain raw SEED structure. Any structure that provides additional facilities to read from a file should be placed in namespace mseed (an thus in a different source file).