DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
datrw::mseed::SEED::TelemetryVolumeIdentifierBlockette Struct Reference

#include <seedstructs.h>

Collaboration diagram for datrw::mseed::SEED::TelemetryVolumeIdentifierBlockette:

Public Attributes

BlocketteHeader blocketteheader
char chan [3]
ControlHeader controlheader
char len [2]
char loc [2]
char rest [1]
char stat [5]
char ver [4]

Detailed Description

a structure to hold a telemtry volume identifier blockette

only used within COMSERV data

[8] Telemetry Volume Identifier Blockette

Definition at line 174 of file seedstructs.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: