STFINV library: seek source wavelet correction filter
stfinv::STFEngineFDLeastSquares Class Reference

Fourier domain least squares engine. More...

#include <stfinvfdleastsquares.h>

Inheritance diagram for stfinv::STFEngineFDLeastSquares:
Collaboration diagram for stfinv::STFEngineFDLeastSquares:

Public Types

typedef Tfftengine::TAseries TAseries
 type of array for time series values More...
typedef Tfftengine::TAspectrum TAspectrum
 type of array for Fourier transforms More...
typedef stfinv::STFFourierDomainEngine Tbase
 typedef to refer to base class More...
typedef fourier::fft::DRFFTWAFFArrayEngine Tfftengine
 type of underlying Fourier engine More...

Public Member Functions

 STFEngineFDLeastSquares (const stfinv::Tvectoroftriples &triples, const stfinv::Waveform &stf, const std::string &parameters)
 Constructor. More...
 STFEngineFDLeastSquares (const stfinv::Tvectoroftriples &triples, const stfinv::Waveform &stf, const stfinv::Tvectorofpairs &pairs, const std::string &parameters)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~STFEngineFDLeastSquares ()
 abstract base requires virtual destructor More...
virtual void exec ()
 Start engine. More...
virtual void help (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
 print online help More...
virtual const char * name () const
 return name of engine More...
virtual void usage (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
 print detailed description More...
Basic interface for users
stfinv::Waveform run ()
 Start engine and return reference to source correction filter. More...
Shape query functions
unsigned int nsamples () const
 return number of samples used in time series More...
unsigned int nreceivers () const
 return number of receiver signals in use More...
unsigned int npairs () const
 return number of additional signals to be convolved More...
double dt () const
 return sampling interval More...
Data query functions
Tseries stf () const
 return source correction filter series More...
Tseries::Tcoc recording (const unsigned int &i) const
 return recorded data at receiver i More...
Tseries::Tcoc synthetic (const unsigned int &i) const
 return synthetic data at receiver i More...
Tseries convolvedsynthetic (const unsigned int &i) const
 return synthetic data convolved with stf at receiver i More...
Tseries::Tcoc series (const unsigned int &i) const
 return synthetic data of pair i More...
Tseries convolvedseries (const unsigned int &i) const
 return synthetic data convolved with stf for pair i More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void classhelp (std::ostream &os=std::cout)
 print online help More...
static void classusage (std::ostream &os=std::cout)
 print detailed description More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char *const description ="least squares in the frequency domain"
 short description of this engine More...
static const char *const ID ="fdlsq"
 ID used to select this engine. More...

Protected Member Functions

Access and control functions to be used by derived classes.

These functions are part of the interface implemented in STFFourierDomainEngine.

void fftinput ()
 copy input signals to workspace and transform input workspace to Fourier domain More...
void fftoutput ()
 convolve synthetics with Fourier transform of stf and transform convolved synthetics and stf to time domain and pass signals to user memory space More...
TAspectrum recordingspec () const
 return reference to Fourier transform of recorded data More...
TAspectrum syntheticspec () const
 return reference to Fourier transform of synthetics More...
TAspectrum stfspec () const
 return reference to Fourier transform of stf More...
TAspectrum recordingcoeff (const unsigned int &i) const
 return reference to Fourier coeffients of recorded data for frequency i More...
TAspectrum syntheticcoeff (const unsigned int &i) const
 return reference to Fourier coefficients of synthetics for frequency i More...
TAspectrum::Tvaluestfcoeff (const unsigned int &i) const
 return reference to Fourier coefficients of stf for frequency i More...
double frequency (const unsigned int &i) const
 return value of frequency i in Hz More...
unsigned int nfreq () const
 return number of frequencies in use More...
Functions presented to derived classes
std::string parameter (const std::string &key, const std::string &defvalue="false") const
 return the value of a parameters More...
bool parameterisset (const std::string &key) const
 check is parameter was set by user More...
void checkreceiverindex (const unsigned int &i) const
 check for vaid receiver index More...
void checkseriesindex (const unsigned int &i) const
 check for vaid index off additional time series pair More...
double weight (const unsigned int &i) const
 return weight for signal at receiver i More...
aff::Series< double > weights () const
 return weights array More...

Protected Attributes

int Mdebug
 debug level More...
stfinv::Tvectorofpairs Mpairs
 Waveform pairs. More...
stfinv::Waveform Mstf
 source correction filter. More...
stfinv::Tvectoroftriples Mtriples
 Waveform triples. More...
int Mverbose
 verbose level More...

Private Member Functions

void initialize ()
 initialize work space More...

Private Attributes

double Mwaterlevel
 waterlevel More...

Detailed Description

Fourier domain least squares engine.

Concept behind this engine
  • $d_{lk}$ is the Fourier coefficient of recorded data at Frequency $f_l$ and receiver $k$ at offset $r_k$,
  • $s_{lk}$ is the Fourier coefficient of the corresponding synthetics and
  • $q_l$ is that of the sought source tim function,
then this engine will minimize the objective function

\[ E=\sum\limits_{l,k}\left|w_{lk}\, \left(d_{lk}-s_{lk}q_l\right) \right|^2+\sum\limits_{l}\lambda^2\left|q_l\right|^2 =\chi^2+\psi^2 \]

with respect to the real part $q_l^\prime$ and the imaginary part $q_l^{\prime\prime}$ of

\[ q_l=q_l^\prime+i\,q_l^{\prime\prime}. \]

In the above expression

\[ \chi^2=\sum\limits_{l,k}\left|w_{lk}\, \left(d_{lk}-s_{lk}q_l\right) \right|^2 \]

is the data misfit with weights $w_{lk}$ and

\[ \psi^2=\sum\limits_{l}\lambda^2\left|q_l\right|^2 \]

is used for regularization and will introduce a water-level in the deconvolution. $\lambda$ will balance both contributions. The conditions

\[ \frac{\partial E}{\partial q_l^\prime}\stackrel{!}{=}0 \quad\wedge\quad \frac{\partial E}{\partial q_l^{\prime\prime}}\stackrel{!}{=}0 \]

result in (Forbriger, 2001, appendix A.3)

\[ q_l=\frac{ \eta^2\sum\limits_{k}f_k^2\,s_{kl}^\ast\,d_{kl} }{ \lambda^2+\eta^2\sum\limits_{k}f_k^2\,s_{kl}^\ast\,s_{kl} } \quad\forall\, l \]


\[ w_{lk}=\eta\,f_k \]

and $f_k$ is a receiver specific weighting factor. Now $\eta$ and $\lambda$ have to be used to balance the regularization. We aim to specify a waterlevel as a fraction of synthetic data energy.
Setting up the waterlevel
The misfit equals one if the scaled energy of the residual $d_{lk}-s_{lk}q_l$ equals the scaled energy of the synthetics $s_{lk}$ and

\[ \eta^2=\frac{1}{\sum\limits_k f_k^2\sum\limits_l \left|s_{lk}\right|^2} \]

is the reciprocal of the scaled energy of the synthetics. If we then choose

\[ \frac{\lambda^2}{\eta^2}=\frac{\epsilon^2}{N\eta^2}= \frac{\epsilon^2}{N}\sum\limits_k f_k^2\sum\limits_{l=0}^{N-1} \left|s_{lk}\right|^2 \]

where $N$ is the number of frequencies, then $\epsilon^2$ will specify a waterlevel as a fraction of the scaled energy of the synthetics.
Using Parceval's Theorem to calculate signal energy
Parceval's Theorem for a signal $a(t)$ and its Fourier transform $\tilde{a}(\omega)$ is

\[ \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\bigl|a(t)\bigr|^2\,\textrm{d} t= \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\bigl|\tilde{a}(\omega)\bigr|^2\, \frac{\textrm{d} \omega}{2\pi}. \]

If $S_{jk}$ are the time series samples corresponding to the Fourier coefficients $\tilde{s}_{lk}$ and $\Delta t$ is the sampling interval then

\[ \sum\limits_{k=0}^{M-1}\left|S_{jk}\right|^2\,\Delta t= \sum\limits_{l=0}^{M-1}\left|\tilde{s}_{lk}\right|^2\,\frac{1}{M\,\Delta t}, \]

where $M=2N$ is the number of samples in the time series. In the above calculation the energy sum only uses the positive frequencies and

\[ \sum\limits_k f_k^2\sum\limits_{l=0}^{N-1}\left|\tilde{s}_{lk}\right|^2 = N\,(\Delta t)^2\, \sum\limits_k f_k^2 \sum\limits_{j=0}^{2N-1}\left|S_{jk}\right|^2. \]

Fourier coefficients $s_{lk}$ calculated by the stfinv::STFFourierDomainEngine are not scaled (see documentation of libfourierxx and libfftw3), such that

\[ \Delta t\,s_{lk}=\tilde{s}_{lk} \]

(both, $s_{lk}$ and $\tilde{s}_{lk}$ are Fourier coefficients). Consequently

\[ \sum\limits_k f_k^2\sum\limits_{l=0}^{N-1}\left|s_{lk}\right|^2 = N\, \sum\limits_k f_k^2 \sum\limits_{j=0}^{2N-1}\left|S_{jk}\right|^2. \]

Final calculation recipe
The solution to our problem is

\[ q_l=\frac{ \sum\limits_{k}f_k^2\,s_{lk}^\ast\,d_{lk} }{ \epsilon^2\,\sum\limits_k f_k^2 \sum\limits_{j=0}^{2N-1}\left|S_{jk}\right|^2 +\sum\limits_{k}f_k^2\,s_{lk}^\ast\,s_{lk} } \quad\forall\, l, \]


\[ \sum\limits_{j=0}^{2N-1}\left|S_{jk}\right|^2 \]

is the sum of the squared sample values $S_{jk}$ of the synthetic time series for receiver $k$, $f_k$ are the scaling factors provided by stfinv::STFBaseEngine::weight(), and $\epsilon^2$ is the water level parameter passed to STFEngineFDLeastSquares.
Forbriger, T., 2001. Inversion flachseismischer Wellenfeldspektern. PhD thesis, University of Stuttgart.
Why was it renamed?
This engine was called 'blind deconvolution' engine. It was renamed to fourier domain least squares engine in October 2011.

This engine understands the recorded data as being the synthetic data being convoled with the STF (source correction filter) and having some noise added. The true impulse response of the subsurface could be obtained by deconvolution of the recorded data with the STF. Neither the impulse response of the subsurface nor the STF are known. For this reason the STF has to be found by minimizing an objective function. For this reason the it is called 'blind' deconvolution.

However, the approach of libstfinv is to convolved the synthetics with the STF to reducde the misfit to the recorded data, not to deconvolve the recorded data. For this reason, maybe, we should better call the approach 'blind convolution'. With respect to image processing techniques, all engines in libstfinv do some kind of 'blind convolution', not only the blind deconvolution engine. Consequently this engine should better be called 'least-squares engine'.

Definition at line 219 of file stfinvfdleastsquares.h.

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