GSE++ library: reading and writing GSE waveforms
GSE++ library: reading and writing GSE waveforms Documentation
Thomas Forbriger
March 2002

GSE++ library: reading and writing GSE waveforms

Copyright (c) 2002 by Thomas Forbriger (IMG Frankfurt)

libgsexx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Revisions and changes

Goal of the library

This library supports reading and writing of waveforms as defined by the GSE2.1 standard (Provisional GSE2.1 Formats and Protocols, May 1997).

The library defines a module GSE2::waveform. This module containes classes (TWID2, TCHK2) that hold GSE2 format elements and can handle their input and output to data files. Further it contains functions to read and write waveform data in subformat CM6. A major advantage of the design of this module is, that it supports sample by sample reading and writing. The library does not need or use an intermediate character buffer for encoding or decoding waveform data in CM6 format.

The library has the primary purpose to supply the CM6 time series input/output layer for reading and writing SFF data. But it is designed to be supplemented with other GSE2.1 elements and functionality in the future.

Using the library

Please have a look at Makefile to find installation instructions.

Example code is provided by

The simplest way of writing CM6 encoded GSE data is

// open output file
std::ofstream os("data.gse");
// number of samples to be written
const int nsamples=2300;
// prepare WID2 line with the bare minimum of information required
// write WID2 line to data file
os << wid2line.line();
// create CM6 encoding data writer for appropriate number of samples
// write data
int i=0;
while (
// calculate synthetic sample
int sample=int(1.2e5*(std::sin(i*2.*3.141592653*5./(nsamples-35))
// output sample to data file
os << writer(sample);

Corresponding code for reading GSE waveform data can be found in

// open input stream
std::ifstream is("date.gse");
// set maximum number of samples
const int nsamples=2300;
// create array to read data to
int indata[msamples];
// create WID2 line instance and read from file;
if (wid2line.Fsamps > msamples)
std::cerr << "ERROR: too many samples in file!" << std::endl;
// create instance of reader class for appropriate number of samples
int i=0;
while (
if (i >= wid2line.Fsamps)
std::cerr << "ERROR: missed last sample!" << std::endl;
indata[i] =freader(is);

Design Decisions

Services and header files

The primary aim of the library is to provide reading and writing of GSE2 data subformats (mainly CM6).

Since the main goal is reading and writing, the iostream header file will always be included together with the libgsexx.h header.

For ease of implementation the gsexx.h always includes the string module. This is an integral part of the TWID2 class. It may not easily be omitted.

%GSE2.1, %GSE2.0 and SFF

With GSE2.0 the straight concept was to write a full waveform at once, consisting of a WID2 line, a DAT2 identifier, the actual waveform data in any sub-format encoding and a CHK2 line. This was totally compatible to the SFF (Stuttgart File Format). With GSE2.1, however, a new STA2 line was introduced. This GSE2.1 this line is mandatory. But it doesn't appear in the SFF specification and is thus not allowed with in SFF data.

There are many reasons for reading and writing the full waveform set at once. The main reason is, that the WID2 line holds crucial information about the actual waveform data (i.e. the sub-format specification and the number of samples).


TDAT2read and TDAT2write are the interface classes to the core of this module. They are abstract classes. Implementations of this conecpt are TDAT2readCM6, TCM6writeCM6, TDAT2readCM8, TCM6writeCM8, TDAT2readINT, and TCM6writeINT of which only the CM6 types will be implemented in a first version. The TWID2 class provides member functions to return an appropriate implementation for reading or writing the GSE waveform sub-format selected in the WID2 line.

Two classes Tremove_diff and Tapply_diff are helper classes. They remove or apply differences from/to the integer data stream, respectively. They are used within the reader and writer classes. Particular helpers remove2nddiffT and apply2nddiffT for second differences are provided through typedefs.

The classes TWID2 and TSTA2 simply hold the data of the corresponding GSE2 format lines. Further, there are input/output operators that provide reading and writing from/to streams.

A class TCHK2 deals with the checksum. It accepts sample values through a member function and builds up the checksum from them. Or it may be set by reading a CHK2 line from an input stream. Further there is a stream input/output provided to read/write a CHK2 line from/to a stream.

See also
GSE2::waveform::TCHK2, GSE2::waveform::TWID2, GSE2::waveform::differences::Tapply_diff, GSE2::waveform::differences::Tremove_diff, GSE2::waveform::remove2nddiffT, GSE2::waveform::apply2nddiffT
The reader classes

The reader classes take the number of expected input samples through their constructor. Reading is accomplished sample by sample. After the last sample the CHK2 line is read automatically by the reader class and checked against the checksum calculated for the samples read. The member function hot() indicates further samples to be read.

See also
GSE2::waveform::TDAT2read, GSE2::waveform::TDAT2readCM6
The writer classes

The writer classes take the number of output samples through their constructor. Writing is accomplished sample by sample. After the last sample the CHK2 line is written automatically by the writer class with the checksum calculated for the samples just written. The member function hot() indicates further samples to be written.

See also
GSE2::waveform::TDAT2write, GSE2::waveform::TDAT2writeCM6
Provide a check for the DAT2 specifier in the constructor for TDAT2read.
Provide a writing of the DAT2 specifier in the constructor for TDAT2write.
Provide a check function to look for the next identifier in the file.
Integer overflow could be checked in the class that applies differences.