37 #define TF_STRUCTGAPSERIES_CC_VERSION \ 38 "TF_STRUCTGAPSERIES_CC V1.0 " 66 header(h), gapseries(0, h.completenessbins.nbins()-1)
libtime::TAbsoluteTime firstbin() const
CompletenessSeries(const GapSeriesHeader &h)
std::string station() const
CompletenessSeries completeness(const GapSeries &gs, const bool &debug)
convert gaps to completeness
std::string channel() const
std::string auxid() const
GapSeries(const GapSeriesHeader &h)
libtime::TRelativeTime binsize() const
all structs use to produce series of gaps and series of completeness (prototypes) ...
Tcompletenessseries completeness