conv/many suite: convert (m)any seismic data format(s)
this is <README> ============================================================================ Seismic format conversion tools ============================================================================ General format conversion ------------------------- The programs in this subdirectory make use of libdatrwxx and support reading and writing of various seismic formats. any2any Converts files for any input format supported by lindatrwxx reading modules to any output format supported by libdatrwxx writing modules. This program not at all is SFF specific. any2ascii Converts files to ASCII for any input format supported by lindatrwxx reading modules. any2sff Converts files to SFF for any input format supported by lindatrwxx reading modules. anyindex Create index files for any format supported by lindatrwxx reading modules. anyextract Evaluates the anyindex output files for data completeness and extracts specific subsets of the data based on time window and channel and station codes. This program is able to string time series (data blocks) of the same data stream to one long time series. It perform consistency checks and is able to identify duplicate samples and gaps in the input. A special option is provided to produce a liast of contiguous data time windows as listed in the input index file. Most programs support an online help options. Just call the program without any option to get a hint. ============================================================================ Installation: This software is part of the project Seitosh. See for general installation instructions. The Makefile supports program compilation and linking. Some binary libraries are required. The command make all will compile and install the binary executables as well as the doxygen documentation. Environment variables control where the results are stored and where libraries and library header files are expected: LOCLIBDIR defines location of binary libraries LOCINCLUDEDIR defines location of C/C++ header files (prototypes) LOCBINDIR defines location of binary executables TF_WWWBASEDIR defines location of doxygen output Dependencies: Compilers required to build the programs: C++ compiler C/C++ preprocessor doxygen (required to process source code documentation) Seitosh libraries required to compile the code: libgsexx libaff libtime libsffxx libdatrwxx libtfxx Further non-standard libraries required to compile the code: libboost_regex anyextract any2sff anyindex require: libsffxx.a libtime++.a libgsexx.a libaff.a libtfxx.a libdatrwxx.a anyextract additionally requires: libboost.a See also README.dependencies ============================================================================ The home of this software suite is Please send bug reports and suggestions to ----- END OF README -----