44 character*77 version, creator
46 &
'STUFI V1.9 E. Wielandts filter routines for sff files')
47 parameter(creator=
'1996 by Thomas Forbriger (IfG Stuttgart)')
49 integer maxcontrol, maxsamples, maxfree, maxselect
50 parameter(maxcontrol=50, maxsamples=500000, maxfree=400)
51 parameter(maxselect=200)
52 character*200 junkfile
53 parameter(junkfile=
55 integer filep,trace,i,j
59 character*200 command(maxcontrol)
62 character*20 code, outcode
63 integer sffversion, ierr, nfilefree, ntracefree,flmax
64 character*13 timestamp
65 character*80 filefree(maxfree), tracefree(maxfree)
67 character*132 wid2line
68 character soutyp*20, soucs*1, soudate*6, soutime*10
69 real souc1, souc2, souc3, tanf, ampfac
71 integer idata(maxsamples)
72 logical moretraces, expectmoretraces
75 real tracec1, tracec2, tracec3
80 logical selection(maxselect)
82 integer maxopt, lastarg, iargc
84 character*2 optid(maxopt)
85 character*80 optarg(maxopt)
86 logical optset(maxopt), opthasarg(maxopt)
87 character*20 extension
88 character*80 outfile, controlfile
89 logical setext, replace, newfile, overwrite, verbose
91 double precision x(maxsamples)
92 character typ*3, par*80, msg*79
96 data optid/2h-e,2h-r,2h-t,2h-d,2h-o,2h-v/
97 data opthasarg/.true.,.false.,.true.,3*.false./
98 data optarg/4h.sfi,1h-,4hjunk,3*1h-/
105 if (iargc().eq.1)
call getarg(1, controlfile)
107 if ((controlfile(1:5).eq.
then 110 print *,
'Usage: stufi controlfile [-e ext | -r | -t file] [-o] [-v]' 111 print *,
' file [t:list] ...' 112 print *,
'or: stufi -help' 113 if (iargc().lt.1) stop
'ERROR: missing arguments\n' 115 print *,
'controlfile Contains a sequence of seife commands' 116 print *,
' that will be executed on every' 117 print *,
' selected dataset. See below for' 118 print *,
' available seife commands. A maximum' 119 print *,
' of ',maxcontrol,
' lines is allowed.' 120 print *,
'-e ext Write results to a file with the same' 121 print *,
' name as the original dataset but with' 122 print *,
' filename extension ext. The resluting' 123 print *,
' file will contain all original data' 124 print *,
' traces (the ones not selected will be' 125 print *,
' unchanged. the default extension is:' 127 print *,
'-r Replace the original datasets with' 128 print *,
' the results of the filter operation.' 129 print *,
'-t file Write all results to one file with' 130 print *,
' the given name. This file will contain' 131 print *,
' only the selected traces. Any file' 132 print *,
' related FREE blocks or source' 133 print *,
' definitions will be omitted.' 134 print *,
'-o Overwrite existing file (is default together' 135 print *,
' with -r option.' 136 print *,
'-v be verbose' 137 print *,
'-d produce debug output' 139 print *,
'Each datafile name may be followed by a list of' 140 print *,
'traces. This list selects a range of traces in' 141 print *,
'the file which will be processed. This list may' 142 print *,
'contain no blank (which is the separator to the' 143 print *,
'next filname). The traces will always be processed' 144 print *,
'in the order they appear in the data file.' 147 print *,
' t:2 will select only trace 2' 148 print *,
' t:4-6,2,4 will select traces 2, 4, 5 and 6' 149 print *,
' t:9,8,10,14 will select traces 8, 9, 10 and 14' 151 print *,
'The message returned by each seife command will be' 152 print *,
'appended to the FREE block of each trace.' 155 print *,
'Some comments that come with the underlying library:' 161 call seife(typ,par,nsamples,dt,tmin,tsec,x,msg)
163 print *,
'This program is compiled for:' 164 print *,
' maximum number of samples: ',
166 print *,
' maximum number of lines in FREE block: ',
168 print *,
' maximum number of lines in control file: ',
170 print *,
' maximum number of traces to be selected: ',
185 call tf_cmdline(2, lastarg,
186 & maxopt, optid, optarg, optset, opthasarg)
207 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: debug messages are switched on' 210 call getarg(1, controlfile)
212 if (iargc().lt.lastarg) stop
'ERROR: missing data file\n' 223 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read control file' 225 open(10, file=controlfile, err=99, status=
227 read(10,
'(a)', err=98, end=96) line
229 command(ncommand)=line
230 if (line(1:3).ne.
goto 1
232 if (ncommand.lt.1) stop
'ERROR: missing commands\n' 239 if (verbose) print 80,
'writing to file ',outfile
241 call sff_new(10, outfile, ierr)
242 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: deleting file' 244 open(10, file=outfile, err=95, status=
246 call sff_wstatus(10, code)
247 write(filefree(1),
'(a)') version
248 write(filefree(2),
249 &
'collecting all results in one file' 250 write(filefree(3),
251 &
'file related FREE blocks and source informations are ignored' 253 call sff_wfree(10, nfilefree, filefree)
260 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: enter main loop' 265 call getarg(filep, infile)
269 print 80,
'reading new file ',infile
273 call tf_nameext(outfile, extension)
274 if (verbose) print 80,
'writing to file ',outfile
275 elseif (replace)
then 277 if (verbose) print *,
'replacing input file' 282 open(11, file=infile, err=92, status=
283 if (.not.(newfile))
then 285 call sff_new(10, outfile, ierr)
286 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: deleting file' 288 open(10, file=outfile, err=95, status=
293 call getarg(filep+1, line)
294 if (line(1:2).eq.
then 297 call tf_listselect(maxselect, selection, 3, line, ierr)
299 print *,
'WARNING: selection exceeds possible range',
300 &
' from 1 to',maxselect
301 print *,
' selecting only up to no.',maxselect
302 elseif (ierr.eq.2)
then 303 print *,
'WARNING: missing selection list - selecting ',
306 elseif (ierr.ne.0)
then 307 print *,
'WARNING: unknown error code by tf_listselect' 308 print *,
' selecting all traces' 320 call sff_rstatus(11,sffversion,timestamp,code,ierr)
321 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read status' 322 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading status of input file\n' 323 if (.not.(newfile))
then 324 call sff_wstatus(10, code)
325 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote status' 328 10
if (code(i:i).ne.
' ')
then 329 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: code: ',code(i:i)
330 if (code(i:i).eq.
then 333 & print *,
'MESSAGE: skipping FREE block of input file' 334 call sff_skipfree(11, ierr)
335 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: skipped FREE block of file' 336 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: skipping FREE block\n' 338 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read FREE block' 339 call sff_rfree(11, nfilefree, filefree,
340 & flmax, maxfree, ierr)
341 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read FREE block of file' 342 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading FREE block\n' 343 call sff_wfree(10, nfilefree, filefree)
344 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote FREE block of file' 346 elseif (code(i:i).eq.
then 347 call sff_rsource(11, soutyp, soucs, souc1, souc2, souc3,
348 & soudate, soutime, ierr)
349 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read SOURCE line of file' 350 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading SOURCE line\n' 352 if (verbose) print *,
'MESSAGE skipping SOURCE line' 354 call sff_wsource(10, soutyp, soucs, souc1, souc2,
355 & souc3, soudate, soutime)
356 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote SOURCE line of file' 367 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: next trace:',trace
371 print 81,
'trace no.',trace,
':' 374 call sff_rdata(11, wid2line, nsamples, tanf, dt,
375 & idata, ampfac, code, ierr)
376 if (nsamples.gt.maxsamples)
377 & stop
'ERROR: too many samples\n' 378 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read data' 379 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading trace' 381 21
if (code(i:i).ne.
' ')
then 382 if (code(i:i).eq.
then 383 call sff_rfree(11, ntracefree, tracefree,
384 & flmax, maxfree, ierr)
385 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read trace FREE block' 386 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading FREE block\n' 387 elseif (code(i:i).eq.
then 388 call sff_rinfo(11, tracecs, tracec1, tracec2, tracec3,
390 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: read trace INFO line' 391 if (ierr.ne.0) stop
'ERROR: reading INFO line\n' 392 elseif (code(i:i).eq.
then 401 if (newfile.and.useselect.and.(.not.selection(trace)))
then 402 if (verbose) print *,
'MESSAGE skipping trace' 404 if ((.not.useselect).or.selection(trace))
then 410 expectmoretraces=.false.
412 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: looking for more traces' 415 do i=trace+1,maxselect
416 if (selection(i)) expectmoretraces=.true.
419 expectmoretraces=moretraces
421 if ((debug).and.(expectmoretraces))
422 & print *,
'DEBUG: more traces selected' 423 if (iargc().gt.filep)
then 424 expectmoretraces=.true.
425 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: more files selected' 429 23
if (code(i:i).ne.
' ')
then 430 if (code(i:i).eq.
then 434 if (code(i:i).eq.
then 441 if (expectmoretraces) outcode(j:j)=
'D' 443 &
'DEBUG: code for this trace was: >',code,
'<' 446 &
'DEBUG: code for this trace is: >',code,
'<' 454 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: entering seife' 455 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: convert int to double' 456 call tf_inttodouble(nsamples, maxsamples,
458 tmin=float(int(tanf/60.))
467 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: +',typ,
'+' 468 call seife(typ, par, nsamples, dt, tmin, tsec,
470 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: returned from seife: ',msg
471 if (ntracefree.lt.maxfree)
then 472 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: write to FREE block' 473 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: ',ntracefree
474 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: ',maxfree
475 ntracefree=ntracefree+1
476 write(tracefree(ntracefree),
'(a)') msg
479 &
'WARNING: reached maximum length of FREE block' 481 if (verbose) print *,msg
486 if ((hour.gt.23).or.(hour.lt.0))
then 487 print *,
'WARNING: time of first sample out of range' 488 print *,
'WARNING: time of first sample set to zero' 493 minute=int(tmin)-hour*60
494 if (minute.lt.0)
then 495 print *,
'WARNING: time of first sample out of range' 496 print *,
'WARNING: time of first sample set to zero' 504 write(wid2line(17:28),
505 & hour,
507 if ((srat.lt.1.e-4).or.(srat.gt.100.))
then 508 write(wid2line(58:68),
'(e11.6)') 1./dt
510 write(wid2line(58:68),
'(f11.6)') 1./dt
512 write(wid2line(49:56),
'(i8)') nsamples
513 call tf_doubletoint(nsamples, maxsamples,
515 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: exiting seife' 526 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: ',wid2line
527 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: nsamples ',nsamples
528 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: ampfac ',ampfac
529 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: code ',code
530 call sff_wdata(10, wid2line, nsamples, idata,
532 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote data' 534 22
if (code(i:i).ne.
' ')
then 535 if (code(i:i).eq.
then 536 call sff_wfree(10, ntracefree, tracefree)
537 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote FREE block of trace' 538 elseif (code(i:i).eq.
then 539 call sff_winfo(10, tracecs, tracec1, tracec2, tracec3,
541 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: wrote INFO line of trace' 547 if (moretraces)
goto 20
550 if (.not.(newfile))
then 558 call system(
'/bin/mv '//junkfile//
' '//infile)
559 if (debug) print *,
'DEBUG: /bin/mv '//junkfile//
' '//infile
562 if (filep.le.iargc())
goto 2
567 if (newfile)
close(10, err=93)
568 if (expectmoretraces)
then 569 print *,
'WARNING: there were still some traces expected' 570 print *,
'WARNING: last trace of output file may be not' 571 print *,
' marked correctly' 576 99 stop
'ERROR: opening control file\n' 577 98 stop
'ERROR: reading control file\n' 578 97 stop
'ERROR: closing control file\n' 579 96 stop
'ERROR: unexpected end of control file\n' 580 95 stop
'ERROR: opening output file\n' 581 94 stop
'ERROR: writing output file\n' 582 93 stop
'ERROR: closing output file\n' 583 92 stop
'ERROR: opening input file\n' 584 91 stop
'ERROR: closing input file\n'