Waveform filter programs
Options Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for Options:

Public Attributes

bool verbose
bool overwrite
bool debug
bool convolve
bool fourier
std::string inputformat
std::string outputformat
bool writetransform
double damping
double cosinefrac
double datetolerance
std::string transformfile
bool demean
bool detrend
int ndemean
int ndetrend
std::string fileformat
std::string plotdevice
bool doplot
bool writescaled
std::string fileprefix
pgplot::Trange rrange
bool asciiout
bool logascii
std::string asciibase
bool amplitudespectrum
bool powerspectrum
bool boxcartaper
bool avgconstbw
bool avgrelbw
bool avgasciionly
bool scalerbw
bool adjustdivisor
bool derivative
int divisor
double decades
double scaledecades
double asciidecades
double nderivative
int avgsamples
bool reportrms
bool harmonicsignal
bool padzeroes
int padfactor
int nsegments
bool log
bool boxcar
double fmin
double fmax
double olap
double width
int nfreq
bool normalize
bool ignorecoo
double srtol
bool setnoiselength
bool reportfactors
bool noscaling
int noiselength
double offexp
bool delay
bool shrink
bool timefirstset
bool timelastset
bool timespanset
bool dtset
bool nset
TAbsoluteTime timefirst
TAbsoluteTime timelast
TRelativeTime timespan
TRelativeTime edge
double dt
double delaytime
int n
bool sampleoffsetbeginset
bool sampleoffsetendset
int sampleoffsetbegin
int sampleoffsetend
double Tdate
bool truncate
std::string residualname
bool writeresidual
double searchrange
bool usesearchrange
bool equalsearch
bool fittrend
bool fitoffset
bool doskip
bool fitexp
double amptrend
double ampoffset
double skip
double tcexp
std::string itype
std::string otype
bool debrep
bool reporttotalrms
bool writestf
bool writeconvolved
bool additionalpairs
std::string stffilename
std::string convolvedfilename
std::string debuglevel
std::string datafileformat
std::string outputfileformat
std::string additionalseries
std::string additionaloutput
bool add
bool trimseries
bool debugdump
bool readcommandfile
std::string commandfile
bool readstdin

Detailed Description

Definition at line 60 of file autocorr.cc.

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