Waveform filter programs

◆ main()

int main ( int  iargc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 187 of file fidasexx.cc.

References cmdlinekeys, Options::debug, Options::doplot, FIDASEXX_VERSION, Options::fileformat, File::filename, Options::fileprefix, formatkey, Trace::free, File::free, Trace::info, File::offset, Options::overwrite, Options::plotdevice, File::rms, Options::rrange, Trace::selected, Trace::series, File::srce, tracekey, Trace::tracenumber, File::traces, Options::verbose, Trace::wid2, and Options::writescaled.

188 {
190  // define usage information
191  char usage_text[]=
192  {
194  "usage: fidasexx [-v] [-DEBUG] [-type f] [-plot[=dev]]" "\n"
195  " [-overwrite] [-write[=prefix]] [-rmin r] [-rmax r]" "\n"
196  " file [t:l] [f:t] file [t:l] [f:t] [file [t:l] [f:t]...]" "\n"
197  " or: fidasexx --help|-h" "\n"
198  " or: fidasexx --xhelp" "\n"
199  };
201  // define full help text
202  char help_text[]=
203  {
204  "-v be verbose\n"
205  "-DEBUG produce debug output\n"
206  "-type f read and write files of file type \"f\"\n"
207  "-plot[=dev] produce graphical display on PGPLOT device \"dev\"\n"
208  " the specification of \"dev\" is optional\n"
209  "-overwrite overwrite output files in case they already exist\n"
210  "-write[=prefix]\n"
211  " write scaled files; prepend \"prefix\" to file names\n"
212  " to distinguish scaled files and original files\n"
213  "-rmin r use only traces with offset equal or larger than \"r\"\n"
214  "-rmax r use only traces with offset equal or less than \"r\"\n"
215  "\n"
216  "The program expects at least two input files containing seismic data.\n"
217  "Each of the input files is understood to contain data from one single\n"
218  "and unique shot. File specific parameters:\n"
219  "\n"
220  "t:l use only traces from list \"l\" for evaluation\n"
221  " \"l\" may be somtehing like \"2-4,5,7,11\"\n"
222  " all traces are read, tapered and written to the\n"
223  " output; but only traces in range indicated by\n"
224  " \"l\" are used to infer the scaling factor\n"
225  "f:t file has data file type \"t\" instead of the\n"
226  " global format specified by the argument to\n"
227  " \"-type\"\n"
228  "\n"
229  "The program is used to scale data from independent shots to make the\n"
230  "apparent shot amplitude comparable. fidasexx uses a different strategy.\n"
231  "While fidase tries to find optimal scaling factors such that the amplitude\n"
232  "decay with offset is smooth as measured by second differences of rms\n"
233  "values, fidasexx fits the rms values to an explicit amplitude decay with\n"
234  "offset. The underlying model is that rms-values depend on offset r\n"
235  "like\n"
236  " rms(r) = A0 * r**(K),\n"
237  "where r**(K) means \"r to the power of K\".\n"
238  "\n"
239  "If d_(j,k) is the rms value of trace k in file j and r_(j,k) are the\n"
240  "offset of trace k in file j, we search for factors f_j and K such that\n"
241  "the residuals r_(j,k) = log d_(j,k) - (log f_j + K * log r_(j,k))\n"
242  "are minimized in a least squares sense.\n"
243  };
245  // define commandline options
246  using namespace tfxx::cmdline;
247  static Declare options[]=
248  {
249  // 0: print help
250  {"help",arg_no,"-"},
251  // 1: print detailed online help
252  {"xhelp",arg_no,"-"},
253  // 2: verbose mode
254  {"v",arg_no,"-"},
255  // 3: debug mode
256  {"DEBUG",arg_no,"-"},
257  // 4: default file format for input and output
258  {"type",arg_yes,"sff"},
259  // 5: create graphical display
260  {"plot",arg_opt,"/xserve"},
261  // 6: overwrite output
262  {"overwrite",arg_no,"-"},
263  // 7: write scale files
264  {"write",arg_opt,"scaled_"},
265  // 8: write scale files
266  {"rmin",arg_yes,"0."},
267  // 9: write scale files
268  {"rmax",arg_yes,"1.e15"},
269  {NULL}
270  };
272  // no arguments? print usage...
273  if (iargc<2)
274  {
275  cerr << usage_text << endl;
276  cerr << tfxx::seitosh::repository_reference << endl;
277  exit(0);
278  }
280  // collect options from commandline
281  // by creating the instance cmdline of type Commandline (which is a member
282  // of namespace tfxx::cmdline) the command line is parsed; all command line
283  // options defined in the C-array options are extracted and can later be
284  // accessed through the member functions of cmdline
285  Commandline cmdline(iargc, argv, options);
287  // help requested? print full help text...
288  if (cmdline.optset(0))
289  {
290  cerr << usage_text << endl;
291  cerr << help_text << endl;
292  datrw::supported_data_types(cerr);
293  pgplot::basic_device::ldev();
294  cerr << endl << tfxx::seitosh::repository_reference << endl;
295  exit(0);
296  }
298  // help on file format details requested?
299  if (cmdline.optset(1))
300  {
301  cerr << usage_text << endl;
302  cerr << endl;
303  datrw::online_help(cerr);
304  cerr << endl << tfxx::seitosh::repository_reference << endl;
305  exit(0);
306  }
308  // extract commandline options
309  Options opt;
310  opt.verbose=cmdline.optset(2);
311  opt.debug=cmdline.optset(3);
312  opt.fileformat=cmdline.string_arg(4);
313  opt.doplot=cmdline.optset(5);
314  opt.plotdevice=cmdline.string_arg(5);
315  opt.overwrite=cmdline.optset(6);
316  opt.writescaled=cmdline.optset(7);
317  opt.fileprefix=cmdline.string_arg(7);
318  opt.rrange.min=cmdline.float_arg(8);
319  opt.rrange.max=cmdline.float_arg(9);
321  // report program version if in verbose mode
322  if (opt.verbose)
323  { cout << FIDASEXX_VERSION << endl; }
325  // extract commandline arguments
326  // here the rest of the command line is parsed; i.e. the names of input
327  // files together with file specific options
328  TFXX_assert(cmdline.extra(), "missing input file");
329  tfxx::cmdline::Tparsed arguments=parse_cmdline(cmdline, cmdlinekeys);
331  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
333  // here we read the input files
334  // ----------------------------
336  // create a collection of files
337  Tvecoffiles files;
339  // now cycle through the list of input file arguments
340  tfxx::cmdline::Tparsed::const_iterator infilearg=arguments.begin();
341  while (infilearg != arguments.end())
342  {
343  // create a place to store contents of file
344  File infile;
345  // remember name of input file
346  infile.filename=infilearg->name;
348  // open input file
349  // ---------------
350  if (opt.verbose) { cout << "open input file " << infile.filename << endl; }
351  // select file format
352  std::string inputformat=opt.fileformat;
353  // change file format if a specific format was given on the command line
354  // for this file
355  if (infilearg->haskey(formatkey))
356  {
357  inputformat=infilearg->value(formatkey);
358  }
359  // open the input file with appropriate input mode
360  std::ios_base::openmode iopenmode
361  =datrw::ianystream::openmode(inputformat);
362  // open file stream
363  std::ifstream ifs(infile.filename.c_str(), iopenmode);
364  // open seismic time series stream
365  datrw::ianystream is(ifs, inputformat);
367  // read file specific header information
368  is >> infile.srce;
369  is >> infile.free;
371  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
373  // read all traces from this file
374  // ------------------------------
376  // check whether there is a selection of traces defined
377  bool doselect=infilearg->haskey(tracekey);
379  // setup list of trace number ranges
380  typedef tfxx::RangeList<int> Trangelist;
381  Trangelist traceranges=
382  tfxx::string::rangelist<Trangelist::Tvalue>(infilearg->value(tracekey));
384  // count traces
385  int itrace=0;
387  // read next trace, while input stream is good
388  while (is.good())
389  {
390  // count traces
391  ++itrace;
393  // create a place to store trace data
394  Trace trace;
396  // remember number of trace
397  trace.tracenumber=itrace;
399  // read trace data
400  is >> trace.series;
401  is >> trace.wid2;
402  is >> trace.info;
403  is >> trace.free;
405  // we read all traces, but only selected traces are used for fitting
406  trace.selected=(((!doselect) || traceranges.contains(itrace))
407  && opt.rrange.contains(sff::offset(infile.srce,
408  trace.info)));
410  // trace data is read; add to collection
411  infile.traces.push_back(trace);
413  } // while (is.good())
415  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
417  // file data is read; append this file to the collection of files
418  files.push_back(infile);
420  // next input file
421  ++infilearg;
423  } // while (infilearg != arguments.end())
424  // all input time series files are read
426  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
428  if (opt.verbose)
429  {
430  cout << "input files are read..." << endl;
431  cout << "next: count traces" << endl;
432  }
434  /*
435  * All input files are read. Now we have to know the number of traces to be
436  * used in the fitting procedure as well as the number of files for which
437  * scaling factors have to be inferred. In two nested loops we cycle through
438  * all files and traces and count them.
439  */
441  // number of files
442  int nfiles=0;
443  // total number of traces
444  int ntraces=0;
446  Tvecoffiles::const_iterator F=files.begin();
447  while (F!=files.end())
448  {
449  // count file
450  ++nfiles;
452  // count number of selected trace in this file
453  int ninthisfile=0;
455  Tvecoftraces::const_iterator T=F->traces.begin();
456  while (T != F->traces.end())
457  {
458  // count trace if selected
459  if (T->selected) { ++ntraces; ++ninthisfile; }
460  // next trace
461  ++T;
462  } // while (T != F->traces.end())
464  // at least one trace per file has to be used
465  TFXX_assert(ninthisfile>0,
466  "ERROR: at least one trace per file has to be selected");
468  // next file
469  ++F;
470  } // while (F!=files.end())
472  // check whether we have a reasonable number of files
473  TFXX_assert(nfiles>1, "ERROR: we require at least two files!");
475  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
477  if (opt.verbose)
478  {
479  cout << "number of files: " << nfiles << endl;
480  cout << "total number of traces to be used: " << ntraces << endl;
481  cout << "next: set up system of linear equations" << endl;
482  }
484  // at this point a taper should be applied to the traces
485  // this is not yet implemented
487  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
489  /*
490  * Now the dimensions of the least-squares problem are defined. In the next
491  * step we set up the system of linear equations which have to be solved for
492  * the solution of the least-squares problem.
493  *
494  * Data are the logarithms of the rms values of traces. We have as many data
495  * as selected traces.
496  *
497  * Model parameters are the scaling factors for each file (offset to the
498  * logarithmic rms values) and one commen decay exponent (factor to the
499  * logarithmic offset). We have one more model parameter than files.
500  *
501  * If d_(j,k) is the rms value of trace k in file j and r_(j,k) are the
502  * offset of trace k in file j, we search for factors f_j and K such that
503  * the residuals r_(j,k) = log d_(j,k) - (log f_j + K * log r_(j,k))
504  * are minimized in a least squares sense.
505  */
507  // values to be prepared
508  // ---------------------
510  // vector of model parameters
511  linear::TDmatrix m(nfiles+1);
512  m=0.;
514  // vector of data values (logarithm of rms of time series)
515  linear::TDmatrix d(ntraces);
516  d=0.;
518  // vector of offset values
519  linear::TDmatrix r(ntraces);
520  r=0.;
522  // remember file index for given trace
523  typedef std::vector<int> Tvecofint;
524  Tvecofint fileindex(ntraces);
526  // matrix of partial derivatives
527  linear::TDmatrix D(ntraces, nfiles+1);
528  D=0.;
530  // count traces separately
531  // initialize with first index value for vector d
532  int itrace=d.first(0);
534  // fill d, r, fileindex, and D with appropriate values
535  // ---------------------------------------------------
536  for (unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
537  {
538  // reference to current file (just for convenience)
539  const File& currentfile=files[i];
540  // cycle through all traces in this file
541  for (unsigned int j=0; j<currentfile.traces.size(); ++j)
542  {
543  // reference to current trace (just for convenience)
544  const Trace& currenttrace=currentfile.traces[j];
545  // operate on trace, if trace is selected
546  if (currenttrace.selected)
547  {
548  // just check the index to make program bullet proof
549  TFXX_assert(itrace<=d.last(0),
550  "ERROR: illegal vector index - inconsistency in program");
552  d(itrace)=std::log(aff::func::rms(currenttrace.series));
553  r(itrace)=sff::offset(currentfile.srce,currenttrace.info);
554  // check that coordinates are reasonable
555  TFXX_assert(r(itrace)>1.e-6,
556  "ERROR: offset is unreasonably small (possibly zero)");
557  D(itrace,i+D.first(1))=1.;
558  D(itrace,D.last(1))=std::log(r(itrace));
559  fileindex[itrace-d.first(0)]=i;
561  // we filled this value; proceeed to next one
562  ++itrace;
563  } // if (currenttrace.selected)
564  } // for (unsigned int j=0; j<currentfile.traces.size(); ++j)
565  } // for (int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
567  if (opt.verbose)
568  {
569  cout << "system of linear equations is ready" << endl;
570  }
572  // setup system of linear equations
573  // --------------------------------
574  linear::TDmatrix M=linear::op::dotNxM(linear::op::transposeNxM(D),D);
575  linear::TDmatrix R=linear::op::dotNxM(linear::op::transposeNxM(D),d);
577  // solve system of linear equations
578  // --------------------------------
579  m=linear::lapack::dposv(M,R);
581  // calculate scaling factors
582  Tseries factor(0,nfiles-1);
583  Tvalue firstamp=std::exp(m(m.first(0)));
584  for (int i=0; i<=factor.last(); ++i)
585  {
586  factor(i)=firstamp/std::exp(m(m.first(0)+i));
587  }
588  Tvalue attenuation=m(m.last(0));
590  if (opt.verbose)
591  {
592  cout << "system of linear equations is solved" << endl;
593  cout << "power-law attentuation exponent is " << attenuation << endl;
594  }
596  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
598  // extract ranges for plot
599  pgplot::Trange offsetrange(0.,0.), rmsrange(0.,0.);
601  // scale files
602  // -----------
603  for (unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
604  {
605  File& currentfile=files[i];
606  currentfile.rms=pgplot::pgaff::Tseries(0,currentfile.traces.size()-1);
607  currentfile.offset=pgplot::pgaff::Tseries(0,currentfile.traces.size()-1);
608  if (opt.verbose)
609  {
610  cout << "scale file #" <<i+1 << " "
611  << currentfile.filename << " by " << factor(i) << endl;
612  }
613  for (unsigned int j=0; j<currentfile.traces.size(); ++j)
614  {
615  currentfile.traces[j].series *= factor(i);
616  currentfile.offset(j)=std::log10(sff::offset(currentfile.srce,
617  currentfile.traces[j].info));
618  currentfile.rms(j)=std::log10(aff::func::rms(currentfile.traces[j].series));
619  } // for (int j=0; j<=traces.size(); ++j)
621  // check ranges for subsequent plot
622  if (i==0)
623  {
624  offsetrange=pgplot::pgaff::series_value_range(currentfile.offset);
625  rmsrange=pgplot::pgaff::series_value_range(currentfile.rms);
626  }
627  else
628  {
629  offsetrange.extend(pgplot::pgaff::series_value_range(currentfile.offset));
630  rmsrange.extend(pgplot::pgaff::series_value_range(currentfile.rms));
631  }
632  } // for (int i=0; i<=files.size(); ++i)
634  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
636  // plot
637  // ----
639  if (opt.doplot)
640  {
641  pgplot::device dev(opt.plotdevice.c_str());
642  dev.env(pgplot::Trect(offsetrange,rmsrange), 0, 30);
643  dev.lab("offset / m","rms value","rms amplitude of scaled traces");
644  for (unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
645  {
646  File& currentfile=files[i];
647  pgplot::pgaff::pt(dev, currentfile.offset, currentfile.rms, 2+i);
648  } // for (int i=0; i<=files.size(); ++i)
649  const int npts=500;
650  pgplot::pgaff::Tseries x(0,npts-1);
651  pgplot::pgaff::Tseries y(0,npts-1);
652  for (int i=0; i<npts; ++i)
653  {
654  x(i)=offsetrange.min+i*offsetrange.fullrange()/(npts-1);
655  y(i)=std::log10(firstamp)+attenuation*x(i);
656  }
657  pgplot::pgaff::line(dev, x, y);
658  } // if (opt.doplot)
660  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
662  // write scaled files
663  // ------------------
665  if (opt.writescaled)
666  {
667  if (opt.verbose) { cout << "write scaled files" << endl; }
669  for (unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i)
670  {
671  File& currentfile=files[i];
672  std::string ofilename=opt.fileprefix+currentfile.filename;
673  if (opt.verbose)
674  {
675  cout << "write file " << ofilename << endl;
676  }
678  // create string to comment scaling
679  std::ostringstream oss;
680  oss << "scaled by factor " << factor(i)
681  << "; decay constant is " << attenuation;
683  // add information to file free block
684  currentfile.free.append(std::string(FIDASEXX_VERSION));
685  currentfile.free.append(oss.str());
687  // create output stream of desired file format
688  std::ios_base::openmode oopenmode
689  =datrw::oanystream::openmode(opt.fileformat);
690  std::ofstream ofs(ofilename.c_str(), oopenmode);
691  datrw::oanystream os(ofs, opt.fileformat, opt.debug);
693  // write srce data and file free block if supported
694  if (os.handlessrce()) { os << currentfile.srce; }
695  if (os.handlesfilefree()) { os << currentfile.free; }
697  // write trace data
698  for (unsigned int j=0; j<currentfile.traces.size(); ++j)
699  {
700  if (opt.verbose)
701  {
702  cout << " write trace #" << j+1 << endl;
703  }
704  Trace& currenttrace=currentfile.traces[j];
706  // add information to file free block
707  currenttrace.free.append(oss.str());
709  os << currenttrace.wid2;
710  if (os.handlesinfo()) { os << currenttrace.info; }
711  if (os.handlesfilefree()) { os << currenttrace.free; }
712  os << currenttrace.series;
713  } // for (unsigned int j=0; j<currentfile.traces.size(); ++j)
714  } // for (int i=0; i<=files.size(); ++i)
715  } // if (opt.writescaled)
717 } // main()
aff::Series< Tvalue > Tseries
Definition: fidasexx.cc:139
static const char tracekey[]
Definition: fidasexx.cc:125
pgplot::Trange rrange
Definition: fidasexx.cc:116
std::string fileformat
Definition: fidasexx.cc:104
Tvecoftraces traces
Definition: fidasexx.cc:174
bool writescaled
Definition: fidasexx.cc:112
Tseries series
Definition: fidasexx.cc:146
static const char * cmdlinekeys[]
Definition: fidasexx.cc:131
sff::WID2 wid2
Definition: fidasexx.cc:152
bool selected
Definition: fidasexx.cc:150
double Tvalue
Definition: fidasexx.cc:136
static const char formatkey[]
Definition: fidasexx.cc:128
std::vector< File > Tvecoffiles
Definition: fidasexx.cc:183
bool doplot
Definition: fidasexx.cc:108
bool overwrite
Definition: autocorr.cc:61
int tracenumber
Definition: fidasexx.cc:148
bool debug
Definition: autocorr.cc:61
sff::FREE free
Definition: fidasexx.cc:172
Definition: fidasexx.cc:36
pgplot::pgaff::Tseries rms
Definition: fidasexx.cc:176
sff::FREE free
Definition: fidasexx.cc:156
bool verbose
Definition: autocorr.cc:61
sff::INFO info
Definition: fidasexx.cc:154
std::string filename
Definition: fidasexx.cc:168
aff::Series< double > Tseries
Definition: cross.cc:69
std::string plotdevice
Definition: fidasexx.cc:106
pgplot::pgaff::Tseries offset
Definition: fidasexx.cc:178
std::string fileprefix
Definition: fidasexx.cc:114
sff::SRCE srce
Definition: fidasexx.cc:170