LISOUSI: Line Source Simulation
Options Struct Reference

#include <lisousi.h>

Collaboration diagram for Options:

Public Attributes

bool verbose
bool debug
bool overwrite
bool taperfirst
bool sqrttaper
bool limitlength
bool radial
bool fredomain
bool fdfilter
bool tdfilter
bool nointeg
bool transition
bool tapsloset
bool spatialdistance
double tfac
double tshift
double tlim
double integshift
double tapdel
double tapslo
double transition1
double transition2
int npad
std::string inputformat
std::string outputformat
Efdtype fdtype
double velocity
double vpvsratio
double pquality
double squality
IntegParam ipa

Detailed Description

program parameters as passed on command line

Definition at line 116 of file lisousi.h.

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