TF++, Miscellaneous classes and modules in C++:
This library contains smaller and independent sets of classes and modules. They should provide stable and reliable interfaces and sematics. Some of them will be copied from libclass which was more for experimenting purposes. The modules provide handling of commandline options and arguments, I/O byte swapping, I/O for Fortran binary files, error handling, and more.
This modules supports a convenient definition and use of commandline arguments. You find this module in namespace tfxx::cmdline. There are two interfaces available:
This module supports checking of input data bytesex and allows swapping of input data bytes. You find this module in tfxx::ioswap. References to the \ref group_ioswap are collected on a separate page.
This module supports reading and writing of Fortran binary data files. References to the \ref group_fortranio are collected on a separate page.
This modules provides a convenient exception base class and some error handline preprocessor macros.
Some of the modules are not explicitely grouped.
We make excessive use of namespaces. This my seem inconvenient at a first glance. Use statements like e.g.
for convenient access.