TF++, Miscellaneous classes and modules in C++:
Interface provided through complexio.h

Interface provided through complexio.h. More...

Collaboration diagram for Interface provided through complexio.h:


file  complexio.h
 binary I/O of complex types (prototypes)


template<typename T >
tfxx::fortranio::FortranBinOutputtfxx::fortranio::operator<< (tfxx::fortranio::FortranBinOutput &fo, const std::complex< T > &value)
 Output operator template for class FortranBinOutput. More...
template<typename T >
tfxx::fortranio::FortranBinInputtfxx::fortranio::operator>> (tfxx::fortranio::FortranBinInput &fi, std::complex< T > &value)
 Input operator template for class FortranBinInput. More...

Detailed Description

Interface provided through complexio.h.
