- Author
- Thomas Forbriger
- Since
- May 2011
- Date
- October 2015
- Version
- V1.0
- Purpose
- This library provides methods for the derivation of source wavelet correction filters in approaches to full waveform inversion.
- Table of contents
Currently implemented engines as well as parameters to control the processing are described in the page_help.
- Todo:
- Engines I consider to implement:
- stf which just applies a scalar factor: stfinv::STFEngineIdentity
- stf read from file (always the same stf, independent of data and synthetics): stfinv::STFEngineFixedWavelet
- stf which normalizes the synthetics in the Fourier domain; this ensures that data and synthetic always contain the same signal energy; this avoid a zero stf during the first iterations starting from a new inappropriate initial model: stfinv::STFEngineNormalize
- causal and time limited stf as found by convolution condition in the time domain; this is a solution to a system of linear equations and will requires LAPACK: stfinv::STFEngineFiniteCausal
- Todo:
- Replace reference page_help by verbatim display of usage texts
- Date
- 04.10.2015