Use these flags to set or clear style options (ticks, labels; grid (hv); axis (xy); frame (lrtb)).
Enumerator |
Fselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Fxselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Fhselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Flselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Fyselect | yselect, vselect, rselect (y, vertical, right)
Fvselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Frselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Ftselect | tselect (top)
Fbselect | bselect (bottom)
Frltbselect | Frltbselect (right, left, top, and bottom)
Fxyselect | Fxyselect, Fhvselect (x and y, left and right)
Fhvselect | setting selection flags
xselect, hselect, lselect (x, horizontal, left)
Fticksinvert | ticks options
invert (tick marks)
Fticksextend | extend (tick marks)
Fticksmajor | major (tick marks)
Fticksminor | minor (tick marks)
Flabelopp | opposite (labels)
Flabelvert | vertical (labels)
Flabeldec | force decimal (labels)
Flabelexp | force exponential (labels)
Flabellog | logarithmic scale (labels)
Ftimenoday | do not include day field (time scale)
Ftimemod24 | hour modulus 24h (time scale)
Ftimesuper | use superscript symbols (time scale)
Ftimedegrees | degrees, minutes, and seconds (time scale)
Ftimeomitfirst | omit first label (time scale)
Ftimeomitzeros | omit leading zeros (time scale)
Fall | all
yselect, vselect, rselect (y, vertical, right)
logarithmic scale (labels)
Frltbselect (right, left, top, and bottom)
force exponential (labels)
omit first label (time scale)
degrees, minutes, and seconds (time scale)
do not include day field (time scale)
hour modulus 24h (time scale)
Fxyselect, Fhvselect (x and y, left and right)
omit leading zeros (time scale)
use superscript symbols (time scale)