libpgplotxx.a (C++ interface to PGPLOT)
pgplot::device Class Reference

the standard device class More...

#include <device.h>

Inheritance diagram for pgplot::device:
Collaboration diagram for pgplot::device:

Public Member Functions

 device (const char *devName)
 create a new device More...
interface to PGPLOT cursor routines

Reimplementation of cursor functions to make them public.

int band (int mode, int posn, float xref, float yref, float *x, float *y, char *ch)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
int band (const int &mode, const int &posn, const float &xref, const float &yref, float &x, float &y, char &ch)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
int curs (float *x, float *y, char *ch)
 read cursor position. More...
int curs (float &x, float &y, char &ch)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
basic_devicelcur (int maxpt, int *npt, float *x, float *y)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
basic_devicencur (int maxpt, int *npt, float *x, float *y, int symbol)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
basic_deviceolin (int maxpt, int *npt, float *x, float *y, int symbol)
 read cursor position, with anchor. More...
interface to PGPLOT plot functions
basic_devicearro (const float &x1, const float &y1, const float &x2, const float &y2)
 plot arrow More...
basic_deviceask (const Logical &flag)
 ask before clearing page? (Logical version) More...
basic_deviceask (const bool &flag=true)
 ask before clearing page? (bool version) More...
basic_deviceaxis (const char *opt, const float &x1, const float &y1, const float &x2, const float &y2, const float &v1, const float &v2, const float &step, const int &nsub, const float &dmajl, const float &dmajr, const float &fmin, const float &disp, const float &orient)
 plot arbitrary axis More...
basic_deviceaxis (const char *opt, const Trect &line, const Trange &val, const float &step=0., const int &nsub=0, const float &dmajl=0.01, const float &dmajr=0.01, const float &fmin=0.3, const float &disp=0.05, const float &orient=0.)
 plot arbitrary axis More...
basic_devicebbuf (void)
 start buffering More...
basic_devicebin (const int &nbin, const float *x, const float *data, const Logical &center)
 plot binning More...
basic_devicebox (const char *xopt, float xtick, int nxsub, const char *yopt, float ytick, int nysub)
 plot box around graph More...
basic_devicedraw (const float &x, const float &y)
 draw line to position More...
basic_devicedraw (const Tcoor &c)
 draw line to position More...
basic_deviceebuf (void)
 stop buffering More...
basic_deviceenv (const float &xmin, const float &xmax, const float &ymin, const float &ymax, const int &just=0, const int &axis=0)
 define PGPLOT window and axis More...
basic_deviceenv (const Trect rect, const int &just=0, const int &axis=0)
 define PGPLOT window and axis More...
basic_deviceeras (void)
 erase total panel More...
basic_deviceerr1 (const int &dir, const float &x, const float &y, const float &e, const float &t)
 plot single error bar More...
basic_devicegray (const float *a, int idim, int jdim, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2, float fg, float bg, const float *tr)
 plot gray scale image More...
basic_devicelab (const char *xlbl, const char *ylbl, const char *toplbl)
 write labels More...
basic_deviceline (const int &n, const float *xpts, const float *ypts)
 draw an open polygon More...
basic_devicemove (const float &x, const float &y)
 move plot position More...
basic_devicemove (const Tcoor &c)
 move plot position More...
basic_devicemtxt (const char *side, const float &disp, const float &coord, const float &fjust, const char *text)
 plot text outside viewport (for labels) More...
basic_devicepage ()
 advance to next output page More...
basic_devicepanl (int nxc, int nyc)
 switch to a different panel on the view surface More...
basic_devicepoly (int n, const float *xpts, const float *ypts)
 draw polygonial line More...
basic_devicept (int n, const float *xpts, const float *ypts, int symbol)
 draw a sequence of marker symbols More...
basic_devicept1 (float xpt, float ypt, int symbol)
 draw one marker symbol More...
basic_deviceptxt (const float &x, const float &y, const float &angle, const float &fjust, const char *text)
 write text at arbitraty position More...
basic_devicerect (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &y1, const float &y2)
 plot rectangle (cf. poly) More...
basic_devicerect (const Trect &rec)
 plot rectangle (cf. poly) More...
basic_devicetbox (const char *xopt, float xtick, int nxsub, const char *yopt, float ytick, int nysub)
 plot tbox around graph More...
basic_deviceupdt (void)
 update plot (in buffering mode) More...
basic_devicevsiz (const float &xleft, const float &xright, const float &ybot, const float &ytop)
 set viewport (view area - here: in inches) More...
basic_devicevsiz (const Trect &vp)
 set viewport (view area - here: in inches) More...
basic_devicevstd (void)
 select standard viewport More...
basic_devicewedg (const char *side, const float &disp, const float &width, const float &fg, const float &bg, const char *label)
 annotate an image plot with a wedge More...
basic_devicewedg (const char *side, const float &disp, const float &width, const Trange &range, const char *label)
 annotate an image plot with a wedge More...
basic_devicegwedg (const Trange &range, const char *label="value", const float &disp=0.3, const float &width=3.0, const char *side="RG")
 annotate an image plot with a wedge More...
basic_devicewnad (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &y1, const float &y2)
 set world coordinates and adjust viewport to same aspect ratio More...
basic_devicewnad (const Trect &win)
 set world coordinates and adjust viewport to same aspect ratio More...
interface to PGPLOT query functions

Functions to inquire various plot settings

basic_deviceqcr (const int &ci, float *cr, float *cg, float *cb)
 inquire color representation More...
basic_deviceqtxt (const float &x, const float &y, const float &angle, const float &fjust, const char *text, float *xbox, float *ybox)
 get bounding box of text More...
basic_deviceqtxt (const float &x, const float &y, const float &angle, const float &fjust, const char *text, Tbbox &b)
 get bounding box of text More...
basic_deviceqwin (float *x1, float *x2, float *y1, float *y2)
 inquire window boundary coordinates More...
basic_deviceqwin (float &x1, float &x2, float &y1, float &y2)
 inquire window boundary coordinates More...
basic_deviceqwin (Trect &win)
 inquire window boundary coordinates More...
interface to PGPLOT set functions

Functions used to set various plot properties

basic_devicesah (const int &fs, const float &angle, const float &barb)
 set arrow head style More...
basic_devicesave (void)
 save device settings More...
basic_deviceunsa (void)
 restore device settings More...
basic_devicescf (const int &font)
 set character font More...
basic_devicesch (const float &size)
 set character height More...
basic_devicesci (const int &ci)
 set color index More...
basic_devicescir (const int &icilo, const int &icihi)
 set color index range More...
basic_devicesclp (const int &state)
 set clipping mode More...
basic_devicescr (const int &ci, const float &cr, const float &cg, const float &cb)
 set color representation More...
basic_devicescr (const int &ci, const Tcol &rgb)
 set color representation by rgb values More...
basic_devicesfs (const int &fs)
 set fill style More...
basic_deviceshls (const int &ci, const float &ch, const float &cl, const float &cs)
 set color in the HLS system More...
basic_deviceshls (const int &ci, const Tcol &hls)
 set color representation by hls values More...
basic_deviceshs (const float &angle, const float &sepn, const float &phase)
 set hatching style More...
basic_devicesitf (const int &itf)
 set image transfer function More...
basic_devicesls (const int &ls)
 set line style More...
basic_deviceslw (const int &lw)
 set line width More...
basic_devicestbg (const int &tbci)
 set background color index More...
basic_devicesubp (int nxsub, int nysub)
 subdivide view surface into panels More...
basic_devicesvp (const float &xleft, const float &xright, const float &ybot, const float &ytop)
 set viewport (view area) More...
basic_devicesvp (const Trect &vp)
 set viewport (view area) More...
basic_deviceswin (const float &x1, const float &x2, const float &y1, const float &y2)
 set window (world coordinate range) More...
basic_deviceswin (const Trect &win)
 set window (world coordinate range) More...

Static Public Member Functions

interface to device-independent PGPLOT functions

These are class specific member functions

static float rnd (const float &x, int *nsub)
 find smallest "round" number greater than x More...
static void ldev (void)
 tell about available devices More...
static void rnge (const float &x1, const float &x2, float *xlo, float *xhi)
 found suitable range More...
static Trange rnge (const Trange &xin)
 found suitable range More...

Protected Member Functions

interface to PGPLOT cursor routines

Here we go with cpgplot functions that are only valid together with special devices. They are dclared protected and may be made public by a derived class. They are protected in the base class since not all devices are interactive.

int band (const int &mode, const int &posn, const float &xref, const float &yref, float *x, float *y, char *ch_scalar)

Detailed Description

the standard device class

This class includes the full pgplot functionality and does not care about interactive or not. It derives directly from basic_device and exports the cursor functions.

See also

Definition at line 44 of file device.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: