GSE++ library: reading and writing GSE waveforms
GSE2::waveform::differences Namespace Reference

Stuff to apply and remove first, second and higher differences. More...


class  Tapply_diff
 Elementary operator to calculate differences. More...
class  Tdiff_operator
 Template to apply or remove differences of any order n. More...
class  Tdiff_operator< 0, OP >
 Template specialization for order zero. More...
class  Tremove_diff
 Elementary operator to calculate the sum, which removes differences. More...

Detailed Description

Stuff to apply and remove first, second and higher differences.

These operators are only used within the reading and writing classes. Thus we declare them here - hidden from the public.

The Tdiff_operator template provides a means to apply or remove differences of any order from an integer data stream. To use this feature: Create an object of the desired operator class. Feed the input datastream sample by sample into the class' operator function. It returns the samples with differences applied or removed.

See also
apply1stdiffT, apply2nddiffT, remove1stdiffT, remove2nddiffT