DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
datrw::su::TraceHeaderStruct Struct Reference

SEG-Y and SU trace header as taken from segy.h coming with SeismicUnixsegy - trace identification header. More...

#include <suheaderstruct.h>

Collaboration diagram for datrw::su::TraceHeaderStruct:

Public Attributes

short afilf
 alias filter frequency if used More...
short afils
 alias filter slope More...
int cdp
 Ensemble number (i.e. More...
int cdpt
 Trace number within the ensemble. More...
short corr
 correlated: 1 = no, 2 = yes More...
short counit
 Coordinate units (see details). More...
float d1
 sample spacing for non-seismic data More...
float d2
 sample spacing between traces More...
short day
 day of year More...
short delrt
 Delay recording time (see details). More...
unsigned short dt
 sample interval; in micro-seconds More...
short duse
 Data use: 1 = Production 2 = Test. More...
int ep
 Energy source point number. More...
float f1
 first sample location for non-seismic data More...
float f2
 first trace location More...
int fldr
 Original field record number. More...
short gain
 Gain type of field instruments code (see dateils). More...
short gaps
 gap size (total number of groups dropped) More...
int gdel
 Datum elevation at receiver group. More...
int gelev
 Receiver group elevation from sea level (all elevations above the Vertical datum are positive and below are negative). More...
short grnlof
 geophone group number of last trace within original field record More...
short grnofr
 geophone group number of trace one within original field record More...
short grnors
 geophone group number of roll switch position one More...
short gstat
 Group static correction in milliseconds. More...
short gut
 Uphole time at receiver group in milliseconds. More...
int gwdep
 Water depth at receiver group. More...
int gx
 Group coordinate - X. More...
int gy
 Group coordinate - Y. More...
short hcf
 high cut frequncy if used More...
short hcs
 high cut slope More...
short hour
 hour of day (24 hour clock) More...
short igc
 instrument gain constant More...
short igi
 instrument early or initial gain More...
short laga
 Lag time A (see details). More...
short lagb
 Lag time B (see details). More...
short lcf
 low cut frequency if used More...
short lcs
 low cut slope More...
short mark
 mark selected traces More...
short minute
 minute of hour More...
short mute
 mute time–end More...
short muts
 mute time–start More...
short nhs
 Number of horizontally summed traces yielding this trace: 1 is one trace 2 is two summed traces, etc. More...
short nofilf
 notch filter frequency if used More...
short nofils
 notch filter slope More...
unsigned short ns
 number of samples in this trace More...
int ntr
 number of traces More...
short nvs
 Number of vertically summed traces yielding this trace: 1 is one trace, 2 is two summed traces, etc. More...
int offset
 Distance from the center of the source point to the center of the receiver group (negative if opposite to direction in which the line was shot). More...
short otrav
 overtravel taper code: 1 = down (or behind), 2 = up (or ahead) More...
short scalco
 Scalar to be applied to the next 4 entries to give the real value (see details). More...
short scalel
 Scalar to be applied to the previous 7 entries to give the real value (see details). More...
int sdel
 Datum elevation at source. More...
int sdepth
 Source depth below surface (a positive number). More...
short sec
 second of minute More...
int selev
 Surface elevation at source. More...
short sfe
 sweep frequency at end More...
short sfs
 sweep frequency at start More...
short shortpad
 alignment padding More...
short slen
 sweep length in ms More...
short sstat
 Source static correction in milliseconds. More...
short stae
 sweep trace length at end in ms More...
short stas
 sweep trace length at start in ms More...
short styp
 sweep type code: 1 = linear, 2 = cos-squared, 3 = other More...
short sut
 Uphole time at source in milliseconds. More...
int swdep
 Water depth at source. More...
short swevel
 Subweathering velocity. More...
int sx
 Source coordinate - X. More...
int sy
 Source coordinate - Y. More...
short tatyp
 taper type: 1=linear, 2=cos^2, 3=other More...
short timbas
 time basis code: 1 = local, 2 = GMT, 3 = other More...
int tracf
 Trace number within original field record. More...
int tracl
 Trace sequence number within line. More...
int tracr
 Trace sequence number within SEG Y file. More...
short trid
 Trace identification code (see details). More...
short trwf
 trace weighting factor, defined as 1/2^N volts for the least sigificant bit More...
short tstat
 Total static applied in milliseconds (zero if no static has been applied). More...
short unass [14]
 unassigned (see details). More...
float ungpow
 negative of power used for dynamic range compression More...
float unscale
 reciprocal of scaling factor to normalize range More...
short wevel
 Weathering velocity. More...
short year
 year data recorded More...

Detailed Description

SEG-Y and SU trace header as taken from segy.h coming with SeismicUnix

segy - trace identification header.

Only brief descriptions are available in the list. Some fields are described in detail in the detailed section of the field.

Copyright (C) 2007, Colorado School of Mines, All rights reserved.

This struct is copied from segy.h in the SeismicUnix distribution. The author of the code is simply called john there. The code of SeismicUnix is copyright by the Colorado School of Mines. The legal statement coming along with SeismicUnix is reproduced at the end of the source file.

Definition at line 54 of file suheaderstruct.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: