DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
Options Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for Options:

Public Attributes

double amplitude
std::string anyfilename
bool anytest
double coordinate
bool count
bool countonly
bool datafile
std::string datafilename
bool debug
double digitstestvalue
bool docootest
bool doscaletest
bool dowritetest
bool dseries
bool dumpheader
bool extractsamples
std::string filename
std::string format
std::string formatstring
double frequency
bool fseries
std::string gsefilename
bool gsetest
std::string imodifier
bool integer
std::string iofile
bool iotest
bool iseries
bool micsecs
std::string modifiers
bool moretraces
int nerrortest
int nprint
int nsamples
int ntraces
std::string ofilename
std::string omodifier
bool overwrite
bool parameterline
std::string parameterlinefile
bool readdata
bool readfile
bool readheader
bool readint
bool readsingle
bool readtest
std::string readtype
short scale
bool scanfile
std::string sfffilename
bool sfftest
std::string sfilename
std::string sinefilename
bool skip
bool skipsamples
bool stage1
bool stage2
bool stage3
bool stage4
bool stest
bool streamfile
bool streamread
std::string streamreadfile
bool streams
bool test1
bool test2
bool test3
bool testcommentlimit
bool testdigits
bool testerror
bool testformat
bool tolerateredundant
bool toleratewrongtime
bool ttest
bool verbose
std::string writefilename
bool writesine
bool writetest

Detailed Description

libdatrwxxtests.cc, and writetest.cc.

Definition at line 50 of file asciitest.cc.

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