36 #define DATRW_OBINARYSTREAM_CC_VERSION \ 37 "DATRW_OBINARYSTREAM_CC V1.1" 44 const std::ios_base::openmode
50 Tbase(os,
Fall, true, true, true, true, debug),
86 "writing file FREE block");
139 "BINARY writing functions" << std::endl <<
140 "------------------------" << std::endl <<
144 "This module writes data in its simple binary representaion.\n" 145 "It is provided primarily for input/output efficiency. This format\n" 146 "does not require any output or input formatting. It also does not\n" 147 "require conversion of sample values. For this reason no round-off\n" 148 "will take place, not for the sample values and not for the sampling\n" 149 "interval. The format maps memory content to file and is lossless\n" 150 "for this reason. The file is identified by a magic number. This\n" 151 "allows the input module to perform automatic on-the-fly\n" 152 "byte-swapping if required by the CPU type in use.\n"
obinarystream(std::ostream &os, const bool &debug=false)
bool hasinfo() const
info is available
macro function for debugging output (prototypes)
bool hassrce() const
srce is available
sff::WID2 wid2() const
return WID2 data
write raw binary data (prototypes)
const char *const magic
magic number to identify file type and bytesex
const int nsamples
number of samples per minute block and channel
static void help(std::ostream &os=std::cout)
virtual void writefileheader()
actually write the file header
sff::INFO info() const
return SRCE data
void write(const char &v)
const short version
a version number for files - just in case
Root namespace of library.
sff::SRCE srce() const
return SRCE data
virtual void writetrace(const Tdseries::Tcoc &series)
write double data
indicate file or trace properties
sff::FREE free() const
return FREE data
#define DATRW_debug(C, N, M)
produce debug output
bool Mdebug
global debug flag
void writetraceheader(const binary::Eflags &, const unsigned int &nsamples)
#define DATRW_value(V)
report value
bool hasfree() const
free is available
static const std::ios_base::openmode openmode