DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
tsoft Directory Reference


file  channeltranslation.cc [code]
 translate TSOFT channel name (they are too long for SFF headers) (implementation)

file  channeltranslation.h [code]
 translate TSOFT channel name (they are too long for SFF headers) (prototypes)

file  itsoftstream.cc [code]
 actual TSOFT to SFF code (implementation)

file  tsoftconfig.h [code]
 tsoft configuration (prototypes)

file  tsoftdata.cc [code]
 class to store TSOFT data (implementation)

file  tsoftdata.h [code]
 class to store TSOFT data (prototypes)

file  tsoftreader.cc [code]
 module to read TSOFT data (implementation)

file  tsoftreader.h [code]
 module to read TSOFT data (prototypes)

file  tsoftsffcontainer.cc [code]
 a container to hold SFF data for one file (implementation)

file  tsoftsffcontainer.h [code]
 a container to hold SFF data for one file (prototypes)