flush waiting trace data last true if no other trace will be written, i.e. only set to true when called from destructor
Definition at line 152 of file osffstream.cc.
References DATRW_assert, DATRW_debug, datrw::odatstream::free(), datrw::odatstream::hasfree(), datrw::odatstream::hasinfo(), datrw::odatstream::haswid2(), datrw::odatstream::info(), datrw::odatstream::Mdebug, Mfreeiswaiting, Mfreewaiting, Minfoiswaiting, Minfowaiting, Mnormmode, datrw::odatstream::Mos, Mserieswaiting, Mwid2iswaiting, Mwid2waiting, datrw::odatstream::wid2(), and datrw::sff::writesfftrace().
Referenced by writetrace(), and ~osffstream().
155 "flush previous trace data to file");
171 "file is to be closed and no data was written");
#define DATRW_assert(C, M)
Check an assertion and report by throwing an exception.
bool hasinfo() const
info is available
sff::WID2 wid2() const
return WID2 data
std::ostream & Mos
output stream to be used by this class
bool haswid2() const
wid2 is available
sff::INFO info() const
return SRCE data
sff::FREE free() const
return FREE data
void writesfftrace(std::ostream &os, const ::sff::TraceHeader &traceheader, const datrw::util::seriesreservoir &series, const ::sff::Enormmode &normmode)
function to write an SFF trace from a series reservoir
#define DATRW_debug(C, N, M)
produce debug output
::sff::Enormmode Mnormmode
bool Mdebug
global debug flag
datrw::util::seriesreservoir Mserieswaiting
bool hasfree() const
free is available