DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats

◆ main()

int main ( int  iargc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 60 of file asciitest.cc.

References datrw::abort_if_exists(), ASCIITEST_VERSION, Options::debug, datrw::hpmo::dt(), datrw::Fall, datrw::Fdouble, datrw::Ffloat, datrw::Fint, Options::frequency, datrw::iasciistream::help(), datrw::oasciistream::help(), Options::nsamples, Options::ntraces, datrw::oasciistream::openmode, Options::overwrite, Options::verbose, Options::writefilename, and Options::writetest.

61 {
63  // define usage information
64  char usage_text[]=
65  {
67  "usage: asciitest [-v] [-overwrite] [-write name] [-ntraces n]" "\n"
68  " [-nsamples n] [-frequency f] [-DEBUG]\n"
69  " or: asciitest --help|-h" "\n"
70  };
72  // define full help text
73  char help_text[]=
74  {
75  "\n"
76  "-v verbose mode\n"
77  "-DEBUG debug mode\n"
78  "-overwrite overwrite existing output file\n"
79  "-write name write test traces to file \"name\"\n"
80  "-ntraces n write \"n\" traces\n"
81  "-nsamples n write \"n\" samples per trace\n"
82  "-frequency f create test signal of frequency \"f\"\n"
83  "\n"
84  "File reading can be tested with libdatrwxxtests.cc\n"
85  };
87  // define commandline options
88  using namespace tfxx::cmdline;
89  static Declare options[]=
90  {
91  // 0: print help
92  {"help",arg_no,"-"},
93  // 1: verbose mode
94  {"v",arg_no,"-"},
95  // 2: write test data
96  {"write",arg_yes,"junk"},
97  // 3: overwrite existing file
98  {"overwrite",arg_no,"-"},
99  // 4: ntraces
100  {"ntraces",arg_yes,"1"},
101  // 5: nsamples
102  {"nsamples",arg_yes,"20"},
103  // 6: frequency
104  {"frequency",arg_yes,"10."},
105  // 7: debug mode
106  {"DEBUG",arg_no,"-"},
107  {NULL}
108  };
110  // no arguments? print usage...
111  if (iargc<2)
112  {
113  cerr << usage_text << endl;
114  exit(0);
115  }
117  // collect options from commandline
118  Commandline cmdline(iargc, argv, options);
120  // help requested? print full help text...
121  if (cmdline.optset(0))
122  {
123  cerr << usage_text << endl;
124  cerr << help_text << endl;
125  cerr << endl;
128  exit(0);
129  }
131  Options opt;
132  opt.verbose=cmdline.optset(1);
133  opt.writetest=cmdline.optset(2);
134  opt.writefilename=cmdline.string_arg(2);
135  opt.overwrite=cmdline.optset(3);
136  opt.ntraces=cmdline.int_arg(4);
137  opt.nsamples=cmdline.int_arg(5);
138  opt.frequency=cmdline.double_arg(6);
139  opt.debug=cmdline.optset(7);
141  /*======================================================================*/
143  if (opt.writetest)
144  {
145  cout << "test output module\n"
146  << "==================\n";
147  cout << "write to file " << opt.writefilename << endl;
149  std::ofstream ofs(opt.writefilename.c_str(), datrw::oasciistream::openmode);
150  datrw::oasciistream os(ofs, "", opt.debug);
152  cout << "file data is stored in ";
153  // report output data format
154  switch (os.seriestype()) {
155  case datrw::Fint:
156  cout << "integer";
157  break;
158  case datrw::Ffloat:
159  cout << "single precision floating point";
160  break;
161  case datrw::Fdouble:
162  cout << "double precision floating point";
163  break;
164  case datrw::Fall:
165  cout << "any desired";
166  break;
167  default:
168  TFXX_abort("output stream uses unknown variable type!");
169  } // switch (os.seriestype())
170  cout << " variable type" << endl;
172  cout << "file FREE data can ";
173  if (!os.handlesfilefree()) { cout << "NOT "; }
174  cout << "be handled" << endl;
176  cout << "SRCE data can ";
177  if (!os.handlessrce()) { cout << "NOT "; }
178  cout << "be handled" << endl;
180  ::sff::FREE filefree;
181  filefree.append("this is the FREE block for the file header");
182  filefree.append(ASCIITEST_VERSION);
183  filefree.append("output file name:");
184  filefree.append(opt.writefilename);
186  ::sff::SRCE srce;
187  srce.date=libtime::now();
188  srce.type="test source";
189  srce.cx=-1.;
190  srce.cy=-2.;
191  srce.cz=-3.;
192  srce.cs=::sff::CS_cartesian;
194  if (os.handlesfilefree()) { os << filefree; }
195  if (os.handlessrce()) { os << srce; }
197  int ntraces=opt.ntraces;
198  for (int itrace=0; itrace<ntraces; ++itrace)
199  {
200  cout << "write trace #" << itrace+1 << endl;
202  cout << "trace FREE data can ";
203  if (!os.handlestracefree()) { cout << "NOT "; }
204  cout << "be handled" << endl;
206  cout << "INFO data can ";
207  if (!os.handlesinfo()) { cout << "NOT "; }
208  cout << "be handled" << endl;
210  ::sff::FREE free;
211  free.append(ASCIITEST_VERSION);
213  ::sff::INFO info;
214  info.nstacks=itrace;
215  info.cx=1.;
216  info.cy=2.;
217  info.cz=3.;
218  info.cs=::sff::CS_cartesian;
220  const double dt=2.e-3*(itrace+4);
221  ::sff::WID2 wid2;
222  wid2.dt=dt;
223  wid2.nsamples=opt.nsamples;
224  wid2.date=libtime::now();
225  wid2.station="FEL";
226  wid2.auxid="AUX";
227  wid2.instype="SYNTH";
229  int typeindex=itrace%3;
230  if (typeindex==0)
231  {
232  aff::Series<double> sine(opt.nsamples);
233  for (int isample=0; isample<opt.nsamples; ++isample)
234  {
235  sine(sine.f()+isample)=(itrace+2)*sin(2.*3.141592653589793115998
236  *opt.frequency*dt*isample);
237  }
238  free.append("create double type data");
239  wid2.channel="DBL";
240  os << wid2;
241  if (os.handlesinfo()) { os << info; }
242  if (os.handlestracefree()) { os << free; }
243  os << sine;
244  }
245  else if (typeindex==1)
246  {
247  aff::Series<float> sine(opt.nsamples);
248  for (int isample=0; isample<opt.nsamples; ++isample)
249  {
250  sine(sine.f()+isample)=(itrace+2)*sin(2.*3.141592653589793115998
251  *opt.frequency*dt*isample);
252  }
253  free.append("create float type data");
254  wid2.channel="FLT";
255  os << wid2;
256  if (os.handlesinfo()) { os << info; }
257  if (os.handlestracefree()) { os << free; }
258  os << sine;
259  }
260  else
261  {
262  aff::Series<int> sine(opt.nsamples);
263  for (int isample=0; isample<opt.nsamples; ++isample)
264  {
265  sine(isample)=isample%15;
266  }
267  wid2.channel="INT";
268  free.append("create int type data");
269  os << wid2;
270  if (os.handlesinfo()) { os << info; }
271  if (os.handlestracefree()) { os << free; }
272  os << sine;
273  }
274  }
275  }
277 }
void abort_if_exists(const std::string &filename)
Definition: datwrite.cc:49
libtime::TRelativeTime dt()
return sampling interval of HPMO data acquisition (i.e. 5 sec)
Definition: readhpmo.cc:83
static const std::ios_base::openmode openmode
Definition: ascii.h:113
static void help(std::ostream &os=std::cout)
Definition: oasciistream.cc:73
std::string writefilename
Definition: asciitest.cc:53
bool overwrite
Definition: asciitest.cc:51
Definition: asciitest.cc:35
bool debug
Definition: asciitest.cc:52
int ntraces
Definition: asciitest.cc:54
bool verbose
Definition: asciitest.cc:51
bool writetest
Definition: asciitest.cc:52
int nsamples
Definition: asciitest.cc:54
static void help(std::ostream &os=std::cout)
double frequency
Definition: asciitest.cc:55
class to write ascii data
Definition: ascii.h:105
Here is the call graph for this function: