Here you can learn about how to use the aff::Array class.
This test program gives an example of the usage of the following classes, functions, and preprocessor macros:
- See also
- tests/
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
void section(
const char* s,
const char l=
cout << endl << s << endl;
const char* p=s;
while (*p) { cout << l; ++p; }
cout << endl;
"Test access operators",
for(int i=A.f(0); i<=A.l(0); i++)
for(int j=A.f(1); j<=A.l(1); j++)
for(int k=A.f(2); k<=A.l(2); k++)
for(int l=A.f(3); l<=A.l(3); l++)
DUMP( A.representation() );
CODE( H=A.representation(); );
CODE( H2=B.representation(); );
#ifdef ILLEGAL1
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
#ifdef ILLEGAL2
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
#ifdef ILLEGAL3
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
#ifdef ILLEGAL4
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
#ifdef ILLEGAL5
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
#ifdef ILLEGAL6
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
"read access to ConstArray and const Array");
CODE( cout << A(2,2) <<
", " << B(2,2) <<
", " << C(2,2) << endl );
#ifdef ILLEGAL7
#warning compiling supposedly illegal code
for(int i=A.f(0); i<=A.l(0); i++)
for(int j=A.f(1); j<=A.l(1); j++)