116 cout <<
"fs1.offset(): " << fs1.offset() << endl;
121 CODE(subshape.shrink(0,2).shrink(1,3,5).shrink(3,10,20));
122 CODE(subshape.collapse(2,15));
129 cout <<
"fs2.offset(): " << fs2.offset() << endl;
134 section(
"Pass array to Fortran via subroutine arguments:",
151 section(
"Access to common block:",
156 CODE(
int i=v1.f(0); i<=v1.l(0); i++) { v1(i)=2.*i; });
157 CODE(
int i=v2.f(0); i<=v2.l(0); i++) { v2(i)=.5*i; });
175 section(
"Size-checked casts:",
177 CODE(
typedef std::complex<int> Ticvalue);
178 CODE(
typedef std::complex<float> Tcvalue);
183 CODE(v1(1)=Ticvalue(3,7));
184 CODE(cout << v1(1) <<
", " << v2(1) << endl);
185 CODE(Ticvalue *icp=fv1.castedpointer<Ticvalue>());
186 CODE(*icp=Ticvalue(35,60));
187 CODE(cout << v1(1) <<
", " << v2(1) << endl);
188 CODE(
const Ticvalue *cicp1=fv1.castedpointer<
const Ticvalue>());
189 CODE(
const Ticvalue *cicp2=fv2.castedpointer<
const Ticvalue>());
190 CODE(cout << *cicp1 <<
", " << *cicp2 << endl);
191 section(
"That's dangerous:",
' ');
192 CODE(Tcvalue *cp=fv1.castedpointer<Tcvalue>());
193 CODE(*cp=Ticvalue(35,60));
194 CODE(cout << v1(1) <<
", " << v2(1) << endl);
195 CODE(
double *dp=fv1.castedpointer<
197 CODE(cout << v1(1) <<
", " << v2(1) << endl);
199 section(
"Test illegal usage (only if activated through macro-definition):",
206 CODE(cout << iv1(1) <<
", " << iv2(1) << endl);
207 CODE(
int *iv1p=fiv1.pointer());
208 CODE(
const int *iv2p=fiv2.pointer());
209 CODE(cout << *iv1p <<
", " << *iv2p << endl);
211 #warning intentionally compiling illegal code: 212 #warning direct discard of const qualifier in conversion from non-const 213 CODE(
int *ip1=fiv1.castedpointer<
const int>());
216 #warning intentionally compiling illegal code: 217 #warning direct discard of const qualifier in conversion from const array 218 CODE(
int *ip2=fiv2.castedpointer<
const int>());
221 #warning intentionally compiling illegal code: 222 #warning discards const in conversion (reinterpret_cast) 223 CODE(
int *ip3=fiv2.castedpointer<
226 #warning intentionally compiling illegal code: 227 #warning direct type mismatch 228 CODE(
float *ip4=fiv1.castedpointer<
231 #warning intentionally compiling illegal code: 232 #warning wrong type size in conversion through reinterpret_cast 233 CODE(
double *ip5=fiv1.castedpointer<
Shape for a rectangular array layout.
aff::util::Slice< C > slice(const C &c)
Wrapper function to select correct type.
#define DUMP(A)
Dump any object through its dump function.
aff::util::Subarray< C > subarray(const C &c)
Wrapper function to select correct type.
int fillarray(const aff::Array< float > &v1, const aff::Array< float > &v2)
fill common block through Fortran subroutine
#define CODE(C)
Dump code and execute (works like echo)
void dump_array(const ConstArray< T > &array, const Tdim &i=(Strided::Mmax_dimen-1), std::ostream &os=std::cout)
Dump array values.
Full multi-dimensional array functionality.This is the full array class template. It adds no addition...
Tzarray viewcommon()
create view from common
Class to provide Fortran interface values.
find appropriate leading dimensions
Shaper class for Fortran layout.
void section(const char *s, const char l='-')
print headline
int fill(const aff::Array< int > &a)
interface function to Fortran77 subroutine fill
Array base classThis is a multidimensional (array) container that uses a strided memory layout (Fortr...
Tcarray sums()
read from common block through Fortran subroutine