AFF --- A container for numbers (array) by Friederich and Forbriger.
aff::ConstSeries< T > Class Template Reference

base class More...

#include <series.h>

Inheritance diagram for aff::ConstSeries< T >:
Collaboration diagram for aff::ConstSeries< T >:

Public Types

Various types

In particular due to our concept of const-correctness we need several typedefs to declare types derived from the element type of the array.

See also
Notes on the const-correctness of arrays
typedef aff::ConstSharedHeap< T > Trepresentation
 Type of representation. More...
typedef aff::LinearShape Tshape
 Type of shape. More...
typedef Tshape::Tstepper Tstepper
 Type of stepper. More...
typedef T Tvalue
 Element type. More...
typedef T * Tpointer
 Type of pointer to element. More...
typedef T & Treference
 Type of reference to element. More...
typedef const T Tconst_value
 Element type. More...
typedef const T * Tconst_pointer
 Type of pointer to element. More...
typedef const T & Tconst_reference
 Type of reference to element. More...
typedef ConstSeries< T > Tcontainer
 Type of this array. More...
typedef Tcontainer Tcontainer_of_const
 Type of the array of const values. More...
typedef Tcontainer Tcoc
 short for Tcontainer_of_const More...

Public Member Functions

const T & operator() (const Tsubscript &i) const
 Data read access. More...
const T * pointer () const
Tcontainer copyout () const
 create an identical copy (deep copy) of this array More...
const Trepresentationrepresentation () const
 offer conversion only to constant version of representation More...
const Tshapeshape () const
 provide access to const shape More...

There is no reason to construct an aff::ConstSeries from scratch, since you can only read from ist. The only three reasons might be:

  1. As an element in another container. In that case we will use the default constructor.
  2. Within a constructor of aff::Series. In that case we will pass a shape and a representation.
  3. To construct a series from an aff::SharedHeap just to read it with tools of aff::ConstSeries.
 ConstSeries ()
 construct from nothing (empty) More...
 ConstSeries (const Tshape &shape, const Trepresentation &representation)
 construct from shape and representation More...
 ConstSeries (const Trepresentation &representation)
 construct from representation More...
Shape access
const Tsubscriptf () const
 (short for) first valid index More...
const Tsubscriptl () const
 (short for) last valid index More...
access declarations
const Tsubscriptfirst () const
 access to base class function More...
const Tsubscriptlast () const
 return last legal index More...
Tsize size () const
 by size we mean the size defined by the shape More...
void setfirstindex (const Tsubscript &first)
 set first index to first More...
void setlastindex (const Tsubscript &last)
 set last index to last More...
void setindexrange (const Tsubscript &first, const Tsubscript last)
 set index range [ first , last ] More...
void shift (const Tsubscript &i)
 shift effective index range by i More...

Protected Member Functions

Tsubscript offset (const Tsubscript &i) const
 provide offset function to derived class More...

Private Member Functions

void check_consistency () const
 check consistency between shape and representation More...
const Tsubscriptfirst () const
 return first legal index More...
const Tsubscriptlast () const
 return last legal index More...
Tsubscript offset (const Tsubscript &i) const
 return offset in representation for indes i More...
const Tsizebase () const
 return base for access to representation More...
Tsize size () const
 by size we mean the size defined by the shape More...
Tsize memory_size () const
 return size of addressed memory More...
LinearShapeshrink (const Tdim &i, const Tsubscript &first, const Tsubscript &last)
 set index range [ first , last ] for dimension i (used by aff::util::Subarray) More...
LinearShapeshrink (const Tdim &i, const Tsubscript &last)
 set last index of dimension i to last (used by aff::util::Subarray) More...
void setindexrange (const Tsubscript &first, const Tsubscript last)
 set index range [ first , last ] More...
void setfirstindex (const Tsubscript &first)
 set first index to first More...
void setlastindex (const Tsubscript &last)
 set last index to last More...
void shift (const Tsubscript &i)
 shift effective index range by i More...

Private Attributes

Trepresentation Mrepresentation
 my memory representation More...

Static Private Attributes

static const Tdim Mmax_dimen =1
 the linear shape is used to address one-dimensional arrays More...

Detailed Description

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: