conv/many suite: convert (m)any seismic data format(s)
Options Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for Options:

Public Attributes

bool verbose
bool overwrite
bool debug
bool integer
bool single
bool verboseconversion
std::string inputformat
std::string outputformat
bool alltraces
bool headerfiles
bool hrdump
bool integerdata
bool timecolumn
bool hfinfilename
int precision
std::string dataformat
std::string headerfieldselection
bool gsescaling
std::string format
bool rangecheck
bool GSEoutput
bool nofreeblock
bool floatdata
libtime::TAbsoluteTime first
libtime::TAbsoluteTime last
bool firstset
bool lastset
std::string selstation
std::string selchannel
std::string selinstrument
std::string selauxid
bool findgapsonly
bool dumpintermediateresults
bool allowtolerance
bool allowduplicatesamples
bool breakonduplicatesamples
double relativetolerance
bool setcalib
bool setcalper
double newcalib
double newcalper
bool writegapseries
std::string gapseriesfile
bool writecompleteness
std::string completenessseriesfile
bool printgaps
std::string gapoutputfile
std::string binsize
unsigned int summarizelevel
bool providegnuplotplot
std::string gnuplotfile
bool append
bool readsamples

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file

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