conv/many suite: convert (m)any seismic data format(s)
Gapid Struct Reference

ID to identify stream. More...

#include <structgapanalysis.h>

Collaboration diagram for Gapid:

Public Member Functions

 Gapid ()
 Gapid (const Contiguous &c)
bool operator== (const Gapid &other) const
bool operator!= (const Gapid &other) const
std::string station () const
std::string channel () const
std::string auxid () const

Public Attributes

std::string ID
libtime::TRelativeTime dt

Private Attributes

std::string Mstation
std::string Mchannel
std::string Mauxid

Detailed Description

ID to identify stream.

Holds data uniquely indetifying a data stream or channel. Supports comparison in order to check whether two chunks of data belong to the same stream.

station, channel, and auxid strings are stored separately since they are used to build the header of completeness time series and therefore will be passed to the customer of these functions and modules.

Definition at line 73 of file structgapanalysis.h.

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