Check whether all time series have a common time window.
Check whether all time series overlap in time. This is a necessary prerequisite for trimming all time series to a common time window.
129 if (this->size() > 1)
131 typename Tbase::const_iterator i_series=this->begin();
132 Theader header=i_series->header;
133 libtime::TAbsoluteTime;
134 libtime::TAbsoluteTime end=::sff::wid2lastsample(header);
136 while ((i_series != this->end()) && retval)
138 header=i_series->header;
139 libtime::TAbsoluteTime;
140 libtime::TAbsoluteTime thisend=::sff::wid2lastsample(header);
141 begin = thisbegin > begin ? thisbegin : begin;
142 end = thisend < end ? thisend : end;
145 retval=(end >= begin);