libtime++: Date and time calculation

◆ time_util_warning()

subroutine time_util_warning ( character*(*)  caller,
character*(*)  text 

Definition at line 33 of file time_util_warning.f.

Referenced by time_add(), time_compare(), and time_setdoy().

33 c
34 c declare parameters
35  character*(*) caller,text
36 c
37 cE
38 c declare local variables
39  integer index, last, len
40 c
41 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 c go
43  last=index(caller,' ')-1
44  if ( last=len(caller)
45  print 50,caller(1:last),text
46 c
47  return
48  50 format('WARNING (',a,'): ',a)
Here is the caller graph for this function: