57 "usage: onlinehelp [-procedure p] [usage]" "\n" 58 " or: onlinehelp --help|-h" "\n" 64 "usage any non-empty parameter lets the program output\n" 65 " the usage summary of libstfinv\n" 66 "-procedure p prints the detailed description of procedure \"p\"\n" 70 using namespace tfxx::cmdline;
71 static Declare options[]=
78 {
85 cerr << usage_text << endl;
91 Commandline cmdline(iargc, argv, options);
94 if (cmdline.optset(0))
96 cerr << usage_text << endl << endl;
97 cerr << help_text << endl;
void engines(std::ostream &os)
void help(std::ostream &os)
void usage(const std::string &id, std::ostream &os)