Close SFF file.
subroutine sff_close(lu, ierr)
c Calling this subroutine instead of the Fortran close functions
c provides interface compatibility to libfapidxx
c Input:
c lu: Fortran file unit
c Output:
c ierr: error status (ok: ierr=0)
bool isopen(const int &unit) const
check whether a file is opened for this file unit
::fapidxx::OFileUnits ostreammanager
the global ostream manager
bool isopen(const int &unit) const
check whether a file is opened for this file unit
void close(const int &unit)
close the file associated with this file unit
::fapidxx::IFileUnits istreammanager
the global istream manager
void close(const int &unit)
close the file associated with this file unit