DATRW++ library: seismic data I/O with multiple formats
All classes and functions to extract data from TSOFT files. More...
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Modules | |
TSOFT string constants | |
string constants | |
Files | |
file | channeltranslation.cc |
translate TSOFT channel name (they are too long for SFF headers) (implementation) | |
file | channeltranslation.h |
translate TSOFT channel name (they are too long for SFF headers) (prototypes) | |
file | itsoftstream.cc |
actual TSOFT to SFF code (implementation) | |
file | tsoft.h |
classes for TSOFT in SFF (prototypes) | |
file | tsoftconfig.h |
tsoft configuration (prototypes) | |
file | tsoftdata.cc |
class to store TSOFT data (implementation) | |
file | tsoftdata.h |
class to store TSOFT data (prototypes) | |
file | tsoftreader.cc |
module to read TSOFT data (implementation) | |
file | tsoftreader.h |
module to read TSOFT data (prototypes) | |
file | tsoftsffcontainer.cc |
a container to hold SFF data for one file (implementation) | |
file | tsoftsffcontainer.h |
a container to hold SFF data for one file (prototypes) | |
Namespaces | |
datrw::tsoft | |
All classes and functions to extract data from TSOFT files. | |
Classes | |
class | datrw::itsoftstream |
class to read TSOFT data More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::Channel |
struct to hold a pair of channel names More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Channeldata |
date for one channel. More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::ChannelDescription |
hold channel description More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Channelinfo |
contains channel info. More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::Checklist |
check list for requiered fields More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Datacontainer |
data container. More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Dataline |
contains one data line. More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Datasequence |
sequence of contiguous data. More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Datatrace |
trace of contiguous data. More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::File |
contents of a complete TSOFT file More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::Line |
contains takes one line and splits it into tag and information. More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::ReaderConfig |
config parameters for data extractionThese parameters control the way gaps in the input data are handled. More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::SFFchannelid |
hold SFF channel description More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::Trace |
contents for one trace of data More... | |
struct | datrw::tsoft::TSOFTchannelid |
hold TSOFT channel description More... | |
class | datrw::tsoft::TSOFTfile |
read a complete file More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::list< std::string > | datrw::tsoft::Tlos |
list of strings. More... | |
typedef std::vector< Channeldata > | datrw::tsoft::Tvocd |
vector of channels. More... | |
typedef std::vector< Channelinfo > | datrw::tsoft::Tvoci |
vector of channel info. More... | |
typedef std::vector< double > | datrw::tsoft::Tvod |
vector of doubles. More... | |
typedef std::vector< Datatrace > | datrw::tsoft::Tvodt |
vector of sequences. More... | |
typedef std::vector< std::string > | datrw::tsoft::Tvos |
vector of strings. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | datrw::tsoft::Econversion { datrw::tsoft::SIDIODE, datrw::tsoft::SIDIODE1, datrw::tsoft::SIDIODE2, datrw::tsoft::SIDIODE3, datrw::tsoft::SIDIODE4, datrw::tsoft::MASFLO1, datrw::tsoft::GEPLHe19, datrw::tsoft::GEPLHe23, datrw::tsoft::POWERV, datrw::tsoft::PT100_K, datrw::tsoft::PT100V_K, datrw::tsoft::PT100, datrw::tsoft::PT100V, datrw::tsoft::PSI_1_1, datrw::tsoft::H2OFLO1, datrw::tsoft::TDV, datrw::tsoft::TD, datrw::tsoft::PSI_500, datrw::tsoft::PSI_2500, datrw::tsoft::PSI_3000, datrw::tsoft::PSI_3447, datrw::tsoft::KPA_3447, datrw::tsoft::KPA_20684, datrw::tsoft::KPA_17236, datrw::tsoft::MPA_17236, datrw::tsoft::MPA_3447, datrw::tsoft::MPA_20684, datrw::tsoft::FAN16, datrw::tsoft::C20P4, datrw::tsoft::CNSP, datrw::tsoft::CNFD } |
DDAS3 sensor data conversion codesSensor data conversion codes as defined in GWR document DDAS3_man_technical_ch5_UIPCsoftware_2010-07-16_BFO-Excerpt. More... | |
Functions | |
ChannelDescription | datrw::tsoft::channel (const SFFchannelid &ci) |
return channel data for given SFF channel ID More... | |
Tlos | datrw::tsoft::channelinfofree (const Channelinfo &ci) |
prepare free comment block from channel info More... | |
std::string | datrw::tsoft::getDOSline (std::istream &is) |
helper function getDOSline More... | |
File | datrw::tsoft::readfile (std::istream &is, const ReaderConfig &rc) |
read complete file More... | |
void | datrw::tsoft::reportdatacomments (std::ostream &os) |
report comments from 1s files More... | |
void | datrw::tsoft::reporttranslation (std::ostream &os) |
report translation table More... | |
SFFchannelid | datrw::tsoft::schannelid (const Channel &ci) |
split SFF channel description More... | |
Tvos | datrw::tsoft::stringtovec (const std::string &line, const std::string &delimiters) |
helper function stringtok More... | |
TSOFTchannelid | datrw::tsoft::tchannelid (const Channel &ci) |
split TSOFT channel description More... | |
SFFchannelid | datrw::tsoft::translate (const TSOFTchannelid &ci) |
return SFF channel ID for given TSOFT channel ID More... | |
bool | datrw::tsoft::translationisunique (const bool &verbose=true) |
check uniqueness of translation table More... | |
void | datrw::tsoft::trimws (std::string &line) |
helper function trimws More... | |
Variables | |
const Channel | datrw::tsoft::translationtable [] |
global variable: channel name translation tableThis table is specific for SG056 at BFO. Sensor data conversion codes are assigned based on GWR document DDAS3_man_technical_ch5_UIPCsoftware_2010-07-16_BFO-Excerpt and Auxill_2.txt as compiled by Walter Zuern (Id: Auxill_2.txt 752 2013-01-09 12:07:01Z). More... | |
const bool | datrw::tsoft::isbinary =false |
Format properties. More... | |
const char *const | datrw::tsoft::streamID ="tsoft" |
Format properties. More... | |
const char *const | datrw::tsoft::key_keepundetval ="keepundetval" |
Format modifier keys. More... | |
const char *const | datrw::tsoft::key_replaceundetval ="replaceundetval" |
Format modifier keys. More... | |
const char *const | datrw::tsoft::key_bridgetime ="bridgetime" |
Format modifier keys. More... | |
const char *const | datrw::tsoft::key_flagbridged ="flagbridged" |
Format modifier keys. More... | |
All classes and functions to extract data from TSOFT files.
TSOFT is available from http://seismologie.oma.be/TSOFT/tsoft.html