AFF --- A container for numbers (array) by Friederich and Forbriger.

Test shape aff::Strided, the shaper class aff::Shaper, and the helper class aff::util::StridedStepper

This test program gives an example of the usage of the following classes, functions, and preprocessor macros:

See also
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace aff;
void section(const char* s, const char l='-')
cout << endl << s << endl;
const char* p=s;
while (*p) { cout << l; ++p; }
cout << endl;
const char* bvalue(const bool& b)
{ if (b) return("true"); return("false"); }
#define BOOLIS( S ) cout << " *** " << #S << ": " << bvalue(S);
void steppers(const Strided& shape, const int& nmax=30)
StridedStepper s1(shape), s2(shape);
for (int i=0; i<nmax; i++)
cout.width(3); cout << i+1;
cout << " ";
cout.width(5); cout << s1.current() << "=[";
for (int j=0; j<Strided::Mmax_dimen; j++)
if (j) cout << ", ";
cout.width(2); cout << s1.index(j);
cout << "] ";
cout.width(5); cout << bvalue(s1.more());
cout.width(6); cout << bvalue(s1.valid());
cout << " ";
cout.width(5); cout << s2.current() << "=[";
for (int j=0; j<Strided::Mmax_dimen; j++)
if (j) cout << ", ";
cout.width(2); cout << s2.index(j);
cout << "] ";
cout.width(5); cout << bvalue(s2.less());
cout.width(6); cout << bvalue(s2.valid());
cout << endl;
int main()
section("Test shape class Strided", '=');
section("Test shaper class Shaper");
cout << endl << "Basic usage:" << endl;
DUMP( Shaper(10)(12) );
#ifdef ILLEGAL1
#warning intentionally compiling illegal code
cout << endl << "Illegal with limited dimensionality:" << endl;
DUMP( Shaper(2,10)(-12,12)(9)(2,7)(3,4) );
cout << endl << "Usage for an external Fortran shape:" << endl;
DUMP( Shaper(1,6,10)(1,12,30)(1,10) );
section("Test subarrays and slicing");
DUMP( Shaper(10)(10)(10) );
cout << endl;
DUMP( Strided(Shaper(10)(10)(10)).shrink(0,2,5) );
cout << endl;
DUMP( Strided(Shaper(10)(10)(10)).shrink(2,5) );
cout << endl;
DUMP( Strided(Shaper(10)(15)(20)).collapse(1,5) );
cout << endl;
DUMP( Strided(Shaper(11,20)(11,20)(11,20)).shift(1,5) );
cout << endl;
DUMP( Strided(Shaper(11,20)(11,20)(11,20)).setfirst(1,5) );
section("Test stepper");
cout << endl << "Basic functionality" << endl;
CODE( Strided shape(Shaper(3)(4)(2)(3)); )
DUMP( shape );
CODE( steppers(shape, shape.size()+10); )
cout << endl << "Shape with gaps" << endl;
CODE( Strided shape(Shaper(0,9)(0,9)(0,9)(0,9)); )
DUMP( shape.shrink(0,3,5).shrink(1,4,6).shrink(2,5,7).shrink(3,6,8) );
CODE( steppers(shape, shape.size()+10); )
cout << endl << "Small array" << endl;
CODE( Strided shape(Shaper(3,5,10)(3)); )
DUMP( shape );
CODE( steppers(shape, shape.size()+10); )
section("Test offset functions");
CODE( Strided shape(Shaper(5)(10)(10)(10)); )
CODE( shape.shrink(0,2,4).shrink(1,3,7).shrink(2,5,6).shrink(3,2,3); )
CODE( dump_map(shape, 3); )
CODE( dump_map(shape, 2); )
CODE( dump_map(shape, 1); )
CODE( dump_map(shape, 0); )
CODE( steppers(shape, shape.size()); )
CODE( Strided copy(shape); )
CODE( copy.collapse(2,6).collapse(2,3).shift(0,1000).setfirst(1,50); )
CODE( dump_map(copy); )
CODE( copy=shape; )
CODE( copy.collapse(1,7).collapse(2,3).shift(0,1000).setfirst(1,50); )
CODE( dump_map(copy); )
/* ----- END OF ----- */