Thomas Forbriger, Daniel Armbruster
March 2004

Contents of the page:

Concept of the library

The library provides seismic data file reading modules for several data formats. Functionality for all formats is provided through a common interface defined in class datrw::idatstream. All format specific classes are derived from this base. The class datrw::ianystream has the same common interface but provides an inheritance transparent constructor mechanism. Programs making use of datrw::ianystream for reading seismic data will directly benefit from each additional waveform format added to libdatrwxx without the need of changing the source code of the library. Just link against libdatrwxx and go...

See libdatrwxx coming together with any2matlab for a current list of supported file format types.

Each format specific module will be placed into its own namespace, like datrw::hpmo. There you will find specific functions like datrw::hpmo::readdata. The interface provided through these functions is specific to the data format. However, for each format we provide a class derived from datrw::idatstream, like datrw::ihpmostream. Being derived from a common base class all these format specific classes provide a common interface once defined in datrw::idastream. This interface handles data in terms of SFF (Stuttgart File Format) data elements (like INFO lines and FREE blocks). Thus the format specific input classes perform the conversion from the specific format to SFF. Any data that does not fit into SFF, must be dropped or may be only passed via the FREE blocks. All SFF data elements not present in the specific format must be replaced by default values.

datrw::idatstream behaves like an input stream for SFF data elements. Appropriate input operators are presented in namespace datrw. All derived classes and datrw::ianystream provide the same interface and operator set. datrw::ianystream is not derived from datrw::idatstream. It rather serves as a handle to any class derived from datrw::idatstream. Anyway datrw::ianystream provides the same interface. Consider to use datrw::sequentialtracereader instead of datrw::ianystream since it provides higher efficiency when reading several traces from the same file.


This program allows the import of the supported dataformats in MATLAB via MEX.

any2matlab.mexa64 is the built program of, which had been compiled with the MATLAB mex compiler.


